Meanwhile In Maui: Joe Biden Tells Lies (Again) About His House Burning Down – IOTW Report

Meanwhile In Maui: Joe Biden Tells Lies (Again) About His House Burning Down

After mumbling through a short speech in Lahaina, Joe Biden shuffled over to meet with Maui wildfire victims and first responders. Biden once again talked about himself as he addressed Maui wildfire victims.

19 Comments on Meanwhile In Maui: Joe Biden Tells Lies (Again) About His House Burning Down

  1. This was beyond the pale assholiness from FJB. He’s talking to people whose children burned to death. He’s worse than Obama in regards to the “It’s all about me.” department. What a worthless lizard Biden is.

  2. Double, double toil and trouble;
    Fire burn and caldron bubble.
    Fillet of a fenny snake,
    In the caldron boil and bake;
    Eye of newt and toe of frog,
    Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
    Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting,
    Lizard’s leg and howlet’s wing,
    For a charm of powerful trouble,
    Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

    Double, double toil and trouble;
    Fire burn and caldron bubble.
    Cool it with a baboon’s blood,
    Then the charm is firm and good.

    (Joe wrote that!)

  3. He does that crap because someone told him its a good way to fake empathy.

    Someone with REAL empathy would know when its time to shut up and LISTEN. A person NEEDS to be able to recount THEIR tragedy to heal, and are NOT helped by someone interrupting them and making it about THEMSELVES.

    Beyond asshole indeed.

    …FWIW, I saw lightning strikes and kitchen fires many times. What Pedo’s ACTUAL incident seems to have been is what we would have characterized as a “room and contents burn”. Inconvenient and expensive to be sure, and a personal tragedy if they lack insurance or lose irreplaceable things like photos, but seldom lethal unless they are sleeping when it starts or someone is fool enough to try to fight it with a garden hose. Smoke and water damage can be extensive throughout the structure, and they’re going to have to live in a hotel for a bit, but that’s it.

    Yeah, it sucks to lose stuff.

    But its NOTHING to losing a child. A husband. A wife. A sister or brother, mother or father, or even a beloved pet.

    Pedo Joe is a psychopath. He feels no loss and regards nothing outside of himself. To him, nothing else matters.

    And he’s not actor enough to pretend otherwise.

    No matter what he makes about himself.

  4. Good thing all those documents were in a fireproof box secured with his corvette.

    What a damn joke. How’s Jill feel about being lumped together with their cat and his car?

    The result? HI will vote even more blue now, with another 1000+ guaranteed double voting democrats.

    Water shut off, kids sent home from school, power shut off, emergency sirens not engaged, communications shut off, no access to or from their homes, no medicine, no food, media restricted, and now clown Joey showing up and making a fool. It’s a disaster and the result will be MOAR DEMOCRAT CONTROL. 99% of these people believe more government is always the answer, like a goddamn religion.

    Hawaii has experienced nothing but ineptitude. Look up the Honolulu rail. Look up the 2018 eruption response. Look up the Kealohas. And that stuff is just in the past few years. Now the fires and the disaster of a response from government. Watch the bright blue (D) lock in 2024, along with the keeping of local government or replacing of ineptitude with more of the same, but probably even worse.

  5. As far as Mystaclean’s ranting guy goes, he’s pretty much spot on.

    One thing, tho.

    As far as children who died in a fire, consider it a mercy if they find little more than ash. Closure issues aside, you do NOT want your last look at your child to be of them burnt but recognizably human.

    Trust me on that.

  6. Empathy wouldn’t falsely accuse a man of drunk driving when your wife was the one who pulled in front of his moving vehicle.
    Over and over again, torturing the man & his family until he passed away.

    If you don’t hate joe biden* with the fire of a thousand suns you aren’t paying attention…

  7. Lying sack of shit.
    Finished top in his class, plagiarized multiple people, went to see Nelson Mandela in prison, got arrested, got arrested at a civil rights rally, watched a bridge collapse, drove an 18 wheeler, rode Amtrack for 100 million miles, Beau died in Iraq, doesn’t talk business with Hunter, who is the smartest man he knows…

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