Wind Power Plagues Texas – IOTW Report

Wind Power Plagues Texas

Peak Demand, Unreliable Supply.

Master Resource: Texas is blessed with mineral and natural resources. Texas is the largest crude oil and natural gas producer in the US. It would be the world’s 4th largest producer if Texas were a country.

For reasons of politics and government intervention over a quarter-century, Texas is the largest wind power producer and second-largest solar producer in the U.S. and will likely surpass California, the leading solar power state, within a year.

We long have been told that wind and solar can replace coal, oil, and natural gas for power generation, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Wind and solar are dilute, intermittent sources that depend on the weather. If the wind is blowing and the sun is shining, they may work to some extent, but the weather changes constantly, and so does their ability to produce electricity. more here

13 Comments on Wind Power Plagues Texas

  1. I flyover some of the largest windmill farms in North Texas on a regular basis. Even on windy days, 75% of the windmills aren’t spinning. The materials used to construct them are not recyclable. And they lifespan of the typical windmill doesn’t produce enough energy to justify its costs. It’s fantasy energy system that runs more off government subsidies than solid economics, even solid green economics, if such a thing even exists.

  2. We should not allow the thiefs in congress the ability to invest in the companies they promote through legislation.

    They are all making millions of dollars in these nasty and unreliable eye sores.

  3. Shouldn’t that headline be Failed Promise of Wind Power Plagues Texas?

    I’ll always be grateful to James Delingpole for his description of these horrible things: bat-chomping bird-slicing eco-crucifixes.

  4. Bat-chomping bird-slicing eco-crucifixes does sound more descriptive than calling these abominations bird Cuisinarts. All you need next is a massive array of solar panels to set all the birds on fire and burn em to a crisp when they fly over them. Ain’t eco weenie technology wonderful. NOT!

  5. I sent my sister who lives in Texas this article. She said that people are all pissed off because their power bill is sky high – $700+. Well, they’ve had record high heat – days on end of over 100 degrees, severe drought. Back a couple of years ago when TX had to go out of State to buy power, it was outrageous, and it’s passed on to the consumer for the next 20+ years! They haven’t seen anything yet with all the new arrivals in their State and many noncitizens. They all consume.

  6. My little corner of Texas is not part of the ERCOT electric grid. My electricity comes mostly from natural gas generating plants. It’s been hotter than hell all summer and my last electric bill was $201 for a 2300 sq. ft. all electric home. I keep the inside at 72 degrees inside. There is not a single windmill within 300 miles of me and I like it that way.

  7. I’ve often wondered while driving through west TX what the effective life span of moving parts on those turbines with those huge, red dust storms they have frequently going through there.
    See a lot of them idle.

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