McCarthy says House may launch Biden impeachment inquiry when Congress reconvenes – IOTW Report

McCarthy says House may launch Biden impeachment inquiry when Congress reconvenes


House Speaker Kevin McCarthy suggested on Tuesday the House of Representatives could launch an impeachment inquiry in the near future if the Biden administration does not provide lawmakers with a litany of requested documents.

The California lawmaker suggested that, should the administration stall House investigations into the first family’s business dealings, the lower chamber would resort to an impeachment inquiry.

“The thing that holds up whether we do impeachment inquiry, provide us the documents we’re asking… If they provide us the documents, there wouldn’t be a need for impeachment inquiry,” McCarthy told Larry Kudlow on Fox Business. “But if they withhold the documents and fight like they have now to not provide to the American public what they deserve to know, we will move forward with impeachment inquiry when we come back into session.” more

25 Comments on McCarthy says House may launch Biden impeachment inquiry when Congress reconvenes

  1. Where’s all the big talk now like when they were explaining why they caved; just one person can bring it to the floor to remove him, so we’ll hold his feet to the fire?

    Republicans are as big of a problem as Democrats and in some ways worse, at least Democrats blatantly tell you what they are and will do. Republicans piss on your leg and ask why don’t you believe them that it’s raining, while distracted from that they’re burning your house down.

  2. Same SHIT, new day.
    McCarthy says he ‘promised’ to release Jan. 6 tapes – Feb 23, 2023
    McCarthy, GOP pump brakes on release of Jan. 6 footage to Tucker – Feb 28, 2023
    McCarthy Agrees to Full Public Release of Jan. 6 Tapes – Mar 9, 2023
    Tucker Carlson fired on Murdoch’s orders, report says – Apr 24, 2023
    Marjorie Taylor Greene announces release of Jan. 6 tapes – May 31, 2023
    Greene says McCarthy will release Jan. 6 – May 31, 2023
    Marjorie Taylor Greene flips on releasing Jan. 6 tapes – June 4, 2023

  3. I used to council people to read “may not” into “may” statements in articles in the local newspaper to get a more accurate and truthful perception. It doesn’t change anything except how the bullshit is perceived.

  4. There is more than enough evidence to impeach xiden this afternoon. Any House member who would vote against impeachment is for corruption and tyranny or a complete idiot. Same goes for any member of the Senate that would vote not to convict.


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