Vivek Ramaswamy calls climate change a hoax, on the debate stage – IOTW Report

Vivek Ramaswamy calls climate change a hoax, on the debate stage

JTN: Business entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy said on the debate stage of the first GOP primary debate Wednesday night that the climate change agenda is a hoax. 

“I’m the only person on the stage who is not bought and paid for,” Ramaswamy said. “So I can say this. The climate change agenda is a hoax.” This resulted in a round of boos from the audience.  more

14 Comments on Vivek Ramaswamy calls climate change a hoax, on the debate stage

  1. We are screwed if the GOP is falling in line with the climate agenda. I’m holding out judgement on Vivek based on him scrubbing the internets, contradictions on covid, and then the leak of him just running to be spoiler to DeSantis. This is unfortunate becuase I was looking forward to a Trump/DeSantis debates on policy and issues.

  2. ” This resulted in a round of boos from the audience.” Who picked the audience? How were individuals approved? Were certain qualifications required? Oh damn, I almost forgot, it’ Fox News.

  3. Ramaswamy is a genius. Also a brilliant conman.

    He speaks truths, e.g. “Climate change is a hoax”.

    Where something seems “squirrelly” — as Sippin’ Coffee noted, listen (or read) carefully for what is not said.

    This video is a must-see and must-share and will help you put a finger on what that disturbing feeling is, and explains a lot:

  4. Tip of the hat to: janitor at 11:34 am.

    Even though Kevin (in the Link) is a little verbose and also a Democrat, this and the response from El Ramaswamy is worth watching.

    Although Climate Change is yet another con, which this candidate easily could see. Perhaps he (Ramaswamy) knows a little bit more than most people would expect from such a true statement about the Climate Change Con and the riches it could bring to the science challenged con artists.

    Ramaswamy’s response alone to the con that was explained via janitor’s YouTube Link (MeetKevin), absolutely indicates that Ramaswamy is not qualified in running for President of the United States.

    He has, what is commonly known as a very serious character defect (an intelligent, likely a psychopathic, and practicing con man) that is on the scale of a Bernie Madoff. Not only does he deny Kevin’s accusations, but responds immediately with calling Kevin a Fraud and not Rama lama ding dong, himself.

    Nice Work, janitor!

  5. Ramaswamy or “Ramaswampy” says all the right things conservatives crave…just like a used car salesman. His genuineness and so-called “honesty” doesn’t extend past the sale.
    Not to be trusted. He’s slick, overconfident, narcissist and lazer focused on being in the spotlight – whatever it takes.

    As US president it seems he will represent The People only if it’s to his advantage. Otherwise, if a deal can be worked out that benefits his objectives only he’d be all for it.
    Also, he may have very deep ties to India which could be his real priority, not the United States.

  6. Prager interviewed him a few weeks back; that was the first time I’d heard of him. I think he’s worth looking into after Trump’s 2nd term.
    If he’s a RINO, he’s one of a different breed.

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