Blumenthal, Warren And Graham In Ukraine To Meet Zelensky For Fourth Time – IOTW Report

Blumenthal, Warren And Graham In Ukraine To Meet Zelensky For Fourth Time

Envolve– Your tax dollars are hard at work flying U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal (CT), Elizabeth Warren (MA) and Lindsey Graham (SC) to Ukraine for the fourth time now, all in order to bring a uniparty message of support to President Zelenskyy and senior members of his government.

Blumenthal says that Ukraine immediately needs F-16s with well-trained pilots, as well as longer-range artillery like ATACMS, in order to capitalize on the “steady gains of the Ukrainian counter-offensive”. He wants the US to quickly pass a supplemental security package, too.

14 Comments on Blumenthal, Warren And Graham In Ukraine To Meet Zelensky For Fourth Time

  1. A JAG (also fag) USAFR colonel warmonger, a combat Vietnam war veteran (actually reservist fighting the war from a Toys for Tots facility), and warrior squaw. What could go wrong?

  2. Graham, Blumenthal, and Warren. In my view, an old woman, a coward, and a cheat, the perfect trio to give Zelensky whatever he asks for.

    A couple of phone calls or a Teams online meeting would have saved a lot of money. But spending taxpayer money instead of saving it is what these crooked politicians are all about.

    Every time there is an election in California, voters are given a multi-paged booklet with all the various initiatives explained. Usually the wording is something like this: If California voters pass this initiative, it will save taxpayers so many millions of dollars, at a cost of millions of dollars.

    It’s spend millions to save millions. Behold the insanity of it all.

  3. Blumenthal, Warren And Graham.

    A Fake Vietnam Vet, a Fake Indian and a Fake Republican.
    Showing bipartisan support for an illegitimate US Administration who has yet to attain any level of Foreign Policy success.

    What could possibly go wrong?
    Tactical Nuclear weapons. More involvement by NATO (MORE $BILLIONS, more weapons, more ammunition more Multi Million dollar aircraft, more corruption)
    All the while US Families are struggling.

    Where on the priority list do the American citizens fall? Thus Far we are near the bottom of their bipartisan list of issues and needs.

  4. Blumenthal is going to hold his Schmuck when he pisses.
    Warren is going to show him how to chug a beer Feminist Style.
    Graham is going to show him the results of BOTTOM SURGERY.

    The only Asshole missing is Bitch McConnell to show him the effects of a Lobotomy.

    Fuck em all!

  5. If those 3 are willing to fly to Ukraine to ensure their cut of the swag, it’s a pretty safe bet that it is in NO WAY dangerous.

    That whole “war zone” bullshit is, obviously, bullshit.
    A single Stinger could have saved America a lot of grief … and money.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Let us begin a policy: those in leadership who promote war must personally participate. They may begin at enlisted private rank and obtain promotion in common with the rank and file of enlisted soldiers.

    Even in circumstances such as that in Ukraine, where American soldiers are not (openly) participating, those leaders demanding war and that our people pay for war be required to enlist at private rank in the army of the belligerent of their choice.

    That ought shut the warmongers mouths right smartly.

  7. Prior to the 17th amendment, state legislatures appointed US senators. If they failed to look after the specific interests of their state, they could be recalled and replaced.
    Being unaccountable to their respective states now, senators can jet off around the world sticking their porky noses in all manner of topics that don’t pertain to them, let alone their states.

    I’d say repeal the 17th, but the dumbed-down citizens will never surrender their ‘right to vote’ in this case.


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