Pennsylvania: Trans-Identified Male Coach Used Girls’ Locker Room to Undress Multiple Times, School District Quiet – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania: Trans-Identified Male Coach Used Girls’ Locker Room to Undress Multiple Times, School District Quiet

Envolve: A Gettysburg, Pennsylvania High School is making headlines over the school board’s debate on whether or not to re-hire a trans-identified male coach for the school’s female tennis team. Sasha Yates, born David, has reportedly been subject to complaint after he frequented the girls’ locker rooms and bathrooms on several occasions.

Reduxx spoke directly to board member Michelle Smyers, who reviewed the reprimand against Yates for the first time.

The reprimand outlined two separate incidents in September of 2022 involving Yates undressing in the girls’ locker room.

While a previous report by the Epoch Times had made the public aware of two of the occurrences, Smyers revealed that there were in fact three: twice in September of last year, and once again this past April. While using the girls’ locker rooms and restrooms, Yates sparked fear and discomfort from female students in addition to concern from their parents. more here

13 Comments on Pennsylvania: Trans-Identified Male Coach Used Girls’ Locker Room to Undress Multiple Times, School District Quiet

  1. Queers of all stripes ought be ‘tolerated on good behavior’. This is code for ‘stay in the closet, practice your perversion among your own kind and leave the rest of us out of it’.

    When queers act out in the presence of or on children they ought be disciplined. Caning, imprisonment, in egregious cases, execution would be appropriate.

    About 97% of the population would benefit, only about 3% would be slightly inconvenienced.

  2. The need for 3 locker rooms comes to mind or the janitor’s closet put to special use. Faculty members should be forbidden from using the students facilities, even if they are the correct gender.

  3. “Adults don’t belong in the locker room while kids are in there dressing..”

    In any decent society this would result in the perverted asshole being given a complementary hickory shampoo.

  4. In twelve years of public school and college on top of that, never one time did any coach undress in the student locker room in front of me. Nor were they openly meat gazing.

  5. My great great Grandpa fought at Gettysburg (Union) under Hooker and was wounded there . After he mustered out he received a tiny pension.
    Gettysburg is Hallowed Ground and David Yates should be FIRED immediately!
    Doctor Ron Paul is a graduate of Gettysburg College.


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