67K ineligible voters voted for Biden in Georgia – IOTW Report

67K ineligible voters voted for Biden in Georgia

Add that to HUNDREDS of thousands of fake ballots and…

Whatfinger: Trump’s landslide victory was defeated by the Deep State. Georgia is a Deep State conquered state and the governor is on the take, does as he is told. DETAILS

The very DA “Fani Willis” going after President Trump and those who called out the election fraud was a beneficiary of the fraud. She was on the ballot! And she’s now trying to go after people exposing what really happened. Please subscribe and follow! – Heather Mullins

9 Comments on 67K ineligible voters voted for Biden in Georgia

  1. I’m going to copy and paste this here from my earlier comment.

    “Evidence? You want Evidence? Stop me where I go afoul. Trump got 74 million votes. A record. Biden got 81 million votes. That’s 155 million total votes. If you check to your hearts content you will find the total number of registered voters in 2020ranged from 136 mil to 154 mil. Good trick. Now lets look at voter turn out for Presidential races. I found a .gov sight that tracked them from the turn of the century. 50.8 was the highest. If you’ll remember Libtards were worried about “Voter enthusiasm”. I’m thinking 50% is way to high. Snopes lists voter turn out in 2020 as 67.8%. Fine lets go with their numbers. Where did those other 32.2 percent other votes come from. That’s far beyond anything the Electoral College could compensate for. In all honesty the real turnout on the Libtard side was probably rock bottom. If yo don’t think the election was stolen then I don’t think you are very smart.”

  2. I’d love to see how discovery will enter all the fraud evidence into the record. The DA ety.al. will have to prove he’s lying, which they know they can’t do. Hence, the trial will come after the election.

  3. Voting is MANDATORY in Australia, or face a fine.

    Their turnout is consistently around 80%.

    Yet in America where typically half of eligible voters never vote, we get a 98%+ turnout. Funny.

  4. Judges won’t touch it including SCOTUS, DOJ wouldn’t touch it. Heck I’ve even seen libtards say they believe it was stolen but they don’t care it kept Trump out along with gave them the majority.
    When I was trying to get our state to get rid of machines counting our votes, strengthen our voter ID law and severely limit who could vote absentee, I did a lot of research on our elections since we started having machines count our votes. What I found was pretty obvious that even the machines weren’t our biggest problem, early voting and absentee voting are the biggest culprit unless you honestly believe people early voting and voting absentee or voting double to triple differently than people voting on election day. Then in certain districts on election day they would have 15% to 20% higher turnout than the entire rest of the state.
    The primaries are actually worse than the general election, makes sense since very few areas can a democrat get elected to statewide or federal office. That’s how we keep RINOS, many of which were democrats until democrats could no longer get elected.

    My hours upon hours of work fell on deaf ears.

  5. Whatfinger:

    Trump’s landslide victory was defeated by the Deep State.

    The Deep State declares that the Deep State does not exist, and that claims that it does are conspiracy theories and seditious speech not protected by the 1st Amendment.

    I wish I were just kidding.

  6. If anyone is interested. Georgia is infested with ALL the entities that have a huge footprint in the DOD.
    Trump wants the DOD on a leash.
    Getting this wannabe to do their bidding is easy peasy.
    Remember Kemp’s daughters boyfriend. These are NASTY people!

  7. Here’s an alternate (semi-contrarian) take on Brad’s post. According to the census bureau there were 168 million registered voters in 2020; 155.5 million votes were cast. So even though there were more registered voters than votes, the number of votes cast would have required a 92% turnout of registered voters. That’s never happened and it didn’t happen in 2020. The highest turnout in 2020 was among males aged 65-74, 73.2%.


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