Maui Identifies Cause of Wildfires, Throwing Cold Water over Democrats’ ‘Global Warming’ Narrative – IOTW Report

Maui Identifies Cause of Wildfires, Throwing Cold Water over Democrats’ ‘Global Warming’ Narrative


Officials in Maui have identified the cause of the recent devastating wildfires, directly contradicting the Democrats’ narrative that “global warming” was to blame.

The Democrats have been heavily pushing claims, without evidence, that the Hawaii fires were caused by the so-called “climate crisis.”

Multiple Democratic Party lawmakers and Biden administration officials have promoted the false claims that “climate change” was to blame.

Many have been using the disaster to advance their green agenda.

However, Maui County government officials filed a lawsuit this week that reveals the results of the investigations into the fires.

The court filings allege that Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO) and its subsidiaries failed to properly power down live electrical equipment amid a red flag windstorm earlier this month.

Due to this failure, downed power lines operated by the utility company sparked a series of deadly fires on the island, the lawsuit claimed. more here

26 Comments on Maui Identifies Cause of Wildfires, Throwing Cold Water over Democrats’ ‘Global Warming’ Narrative

  1. How unusual for the Smellocrats to be pushing
    a cheap lying political claim to push their
    patently false agenda and mongered fear of
    non-existent “Global Warming.”

  2. Another Bull Sh!t story. The electric company was paid off to say downed power lines caused the fire. When you look at all the missing children (and their parents) along with the barricaded roads and dry water hydrants you have to tell yourself what kind of evil has taken over. Oh Yeah, had to make room with security for Hunters $18500 per month rent right next door.

  3. Sourpuss, so true. Anything but government incompetence and malice. All of the true manslaughtering perps get to keep their jobs… and get raises, no doubt. The survivors will get a pittance in compensation and reduced electrical service as the scapegoat power company initiates kabuki theater compliance with ridiculous government demands. The New Normal is going to suck hard for islanders because their government f—ked up and somebody must pay.

  4. If I had a nickel for every time I correctly accused a liberal about how FUCKED-UP or incompetent he/she/they/it/them were, was, has been or will be….
    I’d be richer than a Biden family member.

  5. I wonder if the cause of the HECO failure is the same cause as the California Paradise fire, November 2018.

    If you remember, PG&E was blamed for the fire…..BUT…if you remember, it was the envirowacko policies of the Kalifornication EnviroNazi Libtards that would not allow PG&E to do their job by cutting down the growth and maintaining the power line lanes.

  6. There they go again… it’s just too easy to blame things on Global Warming. It’s the path of least resistance for Libs! They might as well add a dance and shake a Voo Doo stick along with it for all the good it’ll do!!

  7. The article cited a bunch of democrat politicians who were claiming climate change caused these fires. But–there isn’t a climate scientist among any of these assholes. The politicians need to stay in their lane; which is apparently just getting re-elected and lining their own pockets.

  8. If the EnviroNazi DildoCrats want to ignore real science, and continue to pursue the ancient “science” of power, taxation, and control, then let’s give them what they want.
    Considering that the latest series of fires is occurring in Hawaii, how long has it been since a human (I use the term loosely) sacrifice has been made to appease Pele.
    We can start with Sen Ed “Malarkey” Markey. He’s local enough. The rest of the EnviroNazi DildoCrats should be easy enough to convince to jump in on their own.

  9. PHenry AT 8:41 PM
    “The power company failed. Emergency warning system failed. Environmentalists planting non native grasses failed. Bottom line? Democrats failed.”

    ….no, Democrats succeeded. They killed unwanted citizens with impunity, cleared annoying historical structures without due process, set the stage for a government land grab for pennies on the dollar so they can give coveted land to important billionsre Democrats whose houses were mysteriously untouched and use whatever’s left to build their ideal rat trap Communist Utopia slave colony whenever and however they choose, all the while telling lies that support their narrative for further Communist takeovers with the support of a propagandizing media.

    …no, the Democrats didn’t fail AT ALL.

    Preservation of peasant lives was simply never their goal in the first place.

  10. “The court filings allege that Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO) and its subsidiaries failed to properly power down live electrical equipment amid a red flag windstorm earlier this month.”

    They were focused on promoting whatever current thing The Party rewards them to promote. That is the alpha and the omega of it, the long and short of it, that is all there is to it. That much I can unequivocally promise you.

  11. It still begs the question of why the anti-civil rights fiend Joe Biden and hs federal accomplices against brown-black people did ZERO in the way of assistance–except of course the measly $700 he gave each suffering family….???

  12. It still begs the question of why the anti-civil rights fiend Joe Biden and hs federal accomplices against brown-black people did ZERO in the way of assistance–except of course the measly $700 he gave each suffering family….???
    PS—The Joe Biden KKK racist will probably have me in a headlock for the question—as did happen to one reporter who questioned the sinister Maui Mayor Richard Bissen’s goons.

  13. SO I think they said at one point that a Female was the Head Honcho of decision making at that Elec. Co. As a Female myself , and I Quote, ” HEREIN LIES THE PROBLEM”. It is always Our way or the Highway, I know what I’m Doing, Don’t tell me what to do , How dare you , I’m the Boss Applesauce and so on and so on. I make NO APOLOGIES for what I’m stating because you know [FEMALES] and I know it’s true and your husbands , boyfriends or friends know it’s true but are afraid to stand up to you because that’s where the saying It’s Cheaper to Keep Her comes from. So I’ll wait for the negative comments and laugh because that will prove my point OR you will demand the men in your life say it’s not true and that in itself is hilarious, BTW, I’m 75 yrs old and have not only seen this all my life but was a part of being a wife bully that I am ashamed of now that he is gone RIP my Love finally.

  14. I suppose everything burned & flattened by the regular eruptions of lava are from globull warming as well.
    I like calling it that.
    So much easier to fuck with than “climate change”.

  15. SO media covers the Climate Change accusations from some of the stupidest folks Planet Earth has to offer….then the truth comes out that it was liberal incompetence again and watch, NOT ONE SECOND OF AIR TIME WILL EVER UPDATE THIS STORY AND THE SHEEPLE WILL BELIVE IT WAS CLIMAGE CHANGE as they mask up for round 2…….


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