‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ Singer Addresses Rumor He’s a Biden Supporter – IOTW Report

‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ Singer Addresses Rumor He’s a Biden Supporter


The musician behind the viral blue-collar anthem “Rich Men North of Richmond” is setting the record straight about his political affiliations.

Oliver Anthony shot down suggestions that he is a supporter of President Joe Biden in a Friday Instagram post. more here

26 Comments on ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ Singer Addresses Rumor He’s a Biden Supporter

  1. Rich Men North Of Richmond is the blue collar/red neck/ working mans National Anthem. And our enemies will do anything to discredit or destroy our unity. Fuck them very much. They’ve declared war on us long ago.

  2. He is absolutely 100 % correct.

    Even the slowest amongst us knows it’s politicians and power hungry deep staters that are the problem.

    This covers every shade of politician whose self interests lead to deception, lying, political shennagans, and raking off the bucks for themselves.

    Look how millionaires leave public office especially after leaving as senators and representatives and their families. The Biden’s are special because they have sold themselves to so many enemies of America.

  3. funny as all hell that all these politicians & their sycophants in the media so eagerly jumping on Oliver’s bandwagon, proclaiming that he is one of them … “he’s on our side!” …. there ain’t enough bullshit in the whole country to make us swallow that lie.

    it just shows to go ya that they don’t get what us ‘common folks’ already instinctively know … that Oliver’s plainly pointing out the biggest problem with the way this country is going, lamenting that the political class is selling us out, while all the time using our money to do it. all the while being insulated by the clapping seals.

    buhjeebus, I so loath these parasitical wretches … no morals, no scruples, no conscience, no shame, no soul

  4. He doesn’t seem to acknowledge that biden* has been in government all his life, enriching his family via bribery of foreign governments.
    He has a crackhead son that flies all over the world on Air Force One, and is currently costing taxpayers 16 grand a month for SS to rent a place near the rat bastard.

    If he can’t point to joe biden* as EXHIBIT FUCKING A that is exactly the fuck he was singing about then I don’t trust him for shit…

  5. super toe

    I think it a matter of perspective. That song hit home for me and my life’s experiences. You should be grateful you’re in a position where bureaucrats do not effect your earning potential. They sure have mine. Starting the day the Halfrican took office.

  6. The guy gets it. The Republican establishment is far closer to Democrats than they are to Constitutional conservatives. Both establishment Republicans and Democrats are pure unadulterated poison and neither is any better or worse than the other. Depending on your politics, both talk a good game, the Democrats attempt to deliver for their base, the Republican establishment dry shaves its base.

  7. There’s a pretty cool tee shirt out, “Dirty Hands, Clean Money”. If you’re not part of that crowd there’s a good possibility you will not understand his lyrics.

  8. It’s just another protest song unless he points fingers at the segment of government that is responsible…to you and me it’s the democrats and has been for 60 years or more….unless he identifies who is personally responsible it’e just Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Bruce Springsteen selling songs and getting laid…..Yeah, yeah, yeah I heard he turned down a bunch of money….and I say wink, wink sure he did….until he won’t….

  9. “.Yeah, yeah, yeah I heard he turned down a bunch of money”

    He turned down 8 mil. But he’s earning 40K a day off of social media. Not sure how that works. He will fade away much sooner than the lyrics of his song will.

  10. Hey Brad….I get it, but listen to Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger etc….The 2 missing verses of this land is your land from my link above……He has to pick a side….conservitive or progressive…Woody and Pete picked progressive….

  11. So it sounds like the left wants to make hay with his political affiliation. Easy enough to see what he’s registered as. Sing all you want about the political climate, it doesn’t change a thing, nor does it change who you are. I’m not a big fan of country/western music. They’re just words put to a melody, 1/2 the time you can’t understand what they’re saying.

  12. joe6pak at 10:19 pm

    I can accept that he is against the uniparty. If I had to bet it would be he is more liberal than conservative. I hope I’m wrong.

    You’re not wrong, I’d say the Republican candidates fit the more liberal than conservative pocket. Trump has been all of them over his lifetime – Democrat, Republican, Independent. He’s basically running as an Independent right now. Is embracing homosexuality MAGA?

  13. When everyone realizes that they’re looking at the same thing when they see a politician bloviating from either side of the isle and until the entire system is changed, it ain’t gonna get any better. Voting won’t change a thing. The criminals are in charge and we’re allowing them to police themselves. None of them give a rats ass about the damage they do to the citizens – greed and avarice drives them all.

  14. I think Anthony is apolitical – he wants the government to stay out of his way and let him and his friends live their life.

    With how the government is ‘working’ now, I don’t blame him one bit for not publicly supporting anyone – including Trump. If I publicly supported Trump, I would lose my job as I work with a bunch of libtards.


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