Attorney General Merrick Garland made ‘greatest case’ for impeaching Biden, Jonathan Turley says – IOTW Report

Attorney General Merrick Garland made ‘greatest case’ for impeaching Biden, Jonathan Turley says

JTN: George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley argues in a column published on Saturday that the House has no other option but to open an impeachment investigation into President Joe Biden and that Attorney General Merrick Garland made the “greatest case for an impeachment inquiry.”

In the column, titled “Why the House Has No Alternative to an Impeachment Inquiry into President Biden,” Turley said Congress “has little alternative but to launch a long-discussed impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden” when it returns to session next month. 

Garland “appointed the one prosecutor who should have been categorically excluded — David Weiss,” Turley also wrote. “Not only did Garland have to ignore his own regulations to appoint Weiss but he also had to ignore the main qualification: The appointed outside counsel should be someone with ‘a reputation for integrity and impartial decision-making.'” more

11 Comments on Attorney General Merrick Garland made ‘greatest case’ for impeaching Biden, Jonathan Turley says

  1. Impeachment? There should be immediate criminal charges. As both parties eat at the trough, nothing of significance will ever be done. FJB will eventually die of natural causes a rich man passing on the generational wealth he accumulated by stealing from the American people throughout his career. It’s just the way things work until we demand better government. Violation of the public trust and treason should carry harsh penalties as the law requires.

  2. Rachel Lavine and the rest of the nut-jobs from the Island of Busted Ass Toyz make a great case for impeachment… hell, anything associated with the Delaware Fuck-Up makes a good case for impeachment! THere has never been so much to pick and choose from down thru history!!

  3. That post linked by mystaclean is worth the read. It has been a while since I read anything from Schlichter.

    The list of columns on the side of that page had one about DeSantis winning the debate. Most of what I have seen says that Ramaswami cleaned everyone’s clock. Did I miss something, or do they think DeSantis won because he wasn’t pimped out as Baier was doing Christie?

  4. “With the investigative impediments created by the Weiss appointment and by Garland’s refusal to expressly extend the special counsel’s mandate to the allegations of Biden family influence-peddling, there is little choice but to commence an impeachment inquiry.”

    Strongly worded letter to follow.


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