Florida surgeon general slams renewed mask mandates, urges people to refuse to participate – IOTW Report

Florida surgeon general slams renewed mask mandates, urges people to refuse to participate

“I personally believe that this is more fear porn. It’s not justified,” he said.

See Also:

Ep. 30 – Forget Masking – The Real Science Continues to Leak Out.

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14 Comments on Florida surgeon general slams renewed mask mandates, urges people to refuse to participate

  1. I wonder how many masks you can jam up a politicuans ass before their intestines are torn apart,causing them to die an INCREDIBLY painful and prolonged death?

    …let’s find out…

  2. Alexb AT 12:07 PM
    “I’m old
    I’m retired
    You can’t make me
    I don’t want to
    I stole that from a t shirt.”

    …you say that now, and maybe this wasn’t true where you were, but I remember one thing in particular very clearly from the early days of Coof.

    My Mother-In-Law had a heart attack. It was essentially impossible to get an ambulance since she wasn’t a nonbreather, so we took her to a hospital in a POV. Once there, the staff was quite rude and inflexible as they stood inside their arrangement of tents they had placed outside the entrance to the ED, warning us to answer all questions from a distance until they were satisfied about, apparently, the risk to themselves. At that point they produced a wheelchair and allowed her to sit in it ONLY once my wife and I backed off, FORCED a mask on her, A CARDIAC PATIENT, or no service, took her temperature, and informed us we were NOT permitted in ANY part of the hospital in ANY way, masked or no, as no one but the patient was allowed in. We were then brisquely told we could wait in our car and they would call us with updates when they could.

    Which they were shit at doing, just like they were shit at answering the phone; and the troll in the tent refused to ask anyone anything and we were told the police would arrest us if we kept coming close and weren’t patients. She had no choice but to accept their terms and WE had no choice but to act like lepers at the Temple and stay away until thrown a crust.

    She recovered by the grace of God, but she said she was treated no better inside than outside and that it took a long time for them to do anything behind their double masks and face shields, their primary concern whether genuine or feigned always being “protecting” themselves.

    Such hero. Much noble./s

    ,..so yes, being old and retired and all, good for you. Part of being old and retired is that medical care in general and emergency medical care in PARTICULAR is an increasing liklihood with you, sometimes (as it was with my MIL) a life-and-death necessity. You can skip a great lot of this grief, but what of it if you DO need medical care and they REFUSE service unless you comply with their demands? What of it if your spouse, children, grandchildren are dying and are denied entry without observing genuinely harmful protocols? Medicine was destroyed by Obamacare so ALL doctors climbed immediately and fully into the Government tank, some from genuine cowardice (like MY “Doctor”), others from the fact that if THEY didn’t comply they WOULD NOT GET PAID, still others because the institution would deny them priviledges if they did not, and in some cases the GOVERNMENT WOULD TAKE THEIR LICENCES IF THEY DID NOT,

    What makes you think it will be any different THIS time?

    And if you need groceries, medicine from a pharmacy, ANYTHING having to do with your life, how do you propose to remain defiant if the price of admission is compliance and to not do so means you miss doses of critical medicine or have to pay TRIPLE to have things delivered, with your groceries handled by strangers every step of the way?

    …These are questions that you WILL have to face, sooner or later, may as well think of them NOW.

    Either from Goverment mandates,
    Or when the Antichrist makes himself known and demands you take a forhead tattoo or you get NOTHING.

    …and don’t forget that those things may end up being one and the same.

    There doesn’t seem to be a T-shirt that covers THAT.

  3. The masks had nothing to do with Covid the first time around. Nothing has changed. They are about virtue signaling on the part of maskers and control over others on the part of the same with regard to people who refused to wear them.

  4. JDHasty AT 12:47 PM
    “The masks had nothing to do with Covid the first time around. ”

    …that’s what scares me more than anything. Trained medical professionals who should know better acted like…and CONTINUE to act like…it DOES. Yes, some because of the requirements of the institution (my knee surgeon smirked behind his mask every time it came up and we BOTH took them off with his permission if it was just us), but WAY more than should have acted like they sincerely believed it, like my young family “doctor” who conducted “exams” from the furthest corner of the room, shouting questions from behind two masks and a face shield even though I was there for a presugical exam and not sick in any way.

    …see, Obamacare ridiculousness and Woke nonsense caused the older, experienced docs to retire, leaving young docs and AA hires with FAR less experience and confidence behind. Such are unlikely to buck an intensely hierarchical system in the first place, and DAMN sure don’t have the ballz to buck “Doctor” Fauchi and the entire weight of the Federal Freaking Government.

    …so it doesn’t matter if they do anything or not. Fear drives itself for one thing and overweening bureaucracy that can end your livlihood at the stroke of a pen is an awesome cudgel to have held over you, so as with everything Democrats do, they will TELL you what “reality” you are to accept and they WILL destroy you if you defy it.

  5. SNS -“ Either from Goverment mandates,
    Or when the Antichrist makes himself known and demands you take a forhead tattoo or you get NOTHING.”

    Being somewhat of advanced years these are questions I’ve already considered. I would rather die on my feet than on my knees my good man or madame. As far as the Antichrist, all should have answered. I remember watching Christians being beheaded by Islamic fanatics before renouncing their faith. Question is – how strong is your faith and resolve? There comes a time when all will be required to make a choice.

  6. SNS at12:07
    Actually had a heart attack a couple years ago,smashed my head open on the way down,10 stitches worth,was treated with great care from what I’m told,i actually don’t remember any of it,just really sore ribs for about two months.
    My meds are delivered to my mailbox free of charge.
    I usually like your posts but i must ask you to back off from ridiculing some one you do not know.
    Okay,peace out.

  7. Alexb AT 7:44 PM

    Wasn’t meant as ridicule, beleve me I am inudates daily in the problems of the elderly and getting older myself so I wouldn’t ridicule anyone over it. My point was that older people need services that are prone to mask mandates more than young people, and that’s a problem if you don’t want to mask.

    And it could be regional. All I know is where I am, and here they used Covid to illegaly change the primaries to favor Biden, so they were pretty in-the-tank on ALL the restrictions. I even got my meniscusectomy cancelled over it and so won extra MONTHS of needless pain, so they were VERY Coof nazi here. Don’t know where you live so, as I said, your milage may have varied, but here the ONLY choices were mask up or be denied medical care.

    And my “Such hero. Much noble./s” was directed at the cowardly doctors and nurses involved in my MIL’s care, not at you. I apologize if it came off otherwise.

    Hope you heal fully and completely from your heart attack and have no more complications from it, now or in future.

    God Bless,

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