The Curious Case of Alex Kotlarksy – IOTW Report

The Curious Case of Alex Kotlarksy

Marco Polo:

Attentive readers of our Report on the Biden Laptop (“Report” or “dossier”) likely noticed that for a select few individuals we could not locate a photo before publication. We attempted for over a year, utilizing multiple PIs & other tools, but the Report was released in October 2022 with a few outstanding: Kathy Chung (since identified), OH Suk “Scott” (still trying; see pages 109-110 in our dossier), & Alex KOTLARSKY. Those individuals were clearly demarcated with a question mark in the dossier, as seen below on page 140.

KOTLARSKY is critical to the Burisma grift — both for Hunter Biden & Devon Archer, whose recent limited hangout interviews & Congressional testimony have generated significant press in the Conservative, Inc world. We urge you all to re-read the relevant portions of our Report which deal with this enigmatic figure: MORE

6 Comments on The Curious Case of Alex Kotlarksy

  1. The Republicans are so cowardly when it comes to taking action against these Dirty Democrats and their allies that it’s disgusting.
    Absolutely disgusting.
    They are impotent.
    They are scared of the Dirty Dems.
    Either that or they want in on the deals.
    Like Jorel, I’m not holding my breath.

  2. ukraine is the money laundering, extortion, human/child/sex trafficking & organ harvesting center of the world (not to mention the gain of function biolabs) and the political class are all up to their eyeballs in ukraine

    and what about lurch, crazy nancy, & mittens?
    they all had/have kids working in ukraine too

  3. The republicans are doing nothing about Biden corruption because many of them like McConnell, Romney, and Gayraham are partaking in the exact same kind of corruption. The only thing that makes the Bidens unique in DC is how insufferably indiscrete they are about it. It’s like they enjoy rubbing it in the public’s face, knowing full well they’ll be protected by all the other assholes doing the exact same thing.


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