60% Of Women Have Suffered Some Form of Sexual Harassment or Assault in Antarctica – IOTW Report

60% Of Women Have Suffered Some Form of Sexual Harassment or Assault in Antarctica

GP: Down at the White Continent, it’s every woman for herself.

McMurdo Station is a United States Antarctic research station on the south tip of Ross Island, on the shore of McMurdo Sound in Antarctica.

‘Mac-Town’, as the station people call it, is a cluster of buildings hugging the frozen shore, is operated by the United States Antarctic Program (USAP), a branch of the National Science Foundation.

It’s the largest community in Antarctica, with up to 1,200 residents, a hub for American activities on the ‘snow desert’, a place tasked with doing science that can’t be done anywhere else on earth.

Keith Collier, first season machinist, told the NYT: “McMurdo is like a mining town crossed with a very small college campus, crossed with military barracks – and with it being so isolated, anything that goes wrong there we pretty much have to take care of ourselves, to keep the base and the science going.” more

19 Comments on 60% Of Women Have Suffered Some Form of Sexual Harassment or Assault in Antarctica

  1. Sounds like the whole Antarctic enterprise went South, as it were. But are they sure it isn’t the lizard people doin’ it?

    (Non sequitur alert. It’s quite possible that my facts are uncoordinated.)

  2. Was there REAL sexual harassment?
    Or just PERCEIVED sexual harassment?
    (male) “Hello. How are you today?”
    (female) “AAAAHHHHH!!! Sexual Harassment!!”

    After a short while, you learn who NOT to talk to for your own safety.

  3. President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight AT 11:10 AM

    “After a short while, you learn who NOT to talk to for your own safety.”

    …and then HR walks you out for not including women in your conversations.


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