NYPD Tells Citizens to ‘Stay 6 Feet Apart’ as Neo-Lockdowns Loom – IOTW Report

NYPD Tells Citizens to ‘Stay 6 Feet Apart’ as Neo-Lockdowns Loom

National File: Exclusive video footage recorded by this reporter on Sunday, August 27th, 2023, shows a New York City Police Department vehicle parked on a busy street instructing citizens to “stay 6 feet apart”. The video, which has quickly gone viral, comes as Americans are warned of neo-lockdowns and a new supposed wave of COVID-19, just in time for the 2024 Presidential Election.

National File’s exclusive video footage shows an NYPD cruiser parked along a Manhattan street and equipped with a scrolling light-up sign that reads “DO YOUR PART – STAY 6 FEET APART”. more here

29 Comments on NYPD Tells Citizens to ‘Stay 6 Feet Apart’ as Neo-Lockdowns Loom

  1. how the fug does anyone stay 6′ apart from anyone else in NYC????

    ever been there? … it’s impossible!

    no 2 people in a car? no 2 people in a subway? no 2 people in a bus? no 2 people on a street corner, waiting to cross the road? no 2 people at Yankee Stadium? Madison Square Garden? how the hell the queers gonna fornicate????

    let’s stop the stupidity madness NOW!

  2. Well, I for one, think this is great. I’d be more than happy to stay 6 feet away from the freaks, geeks, criminals, druggies and weirdo’s that inhabit most large Democrat run city’s. New York, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Detroit, to name a few.

  3. Almost time to vote again…

    “Lock em in their houses”

    Canuckistan too…
    Turd Boy is in the shitter with the “voters” now that the carbon tax is Kicking the shit out of the SHEEPLE up here.

  4. You should not obey unlawful orders. If you ignore them – don’t react at all – they can’t arrest you for disobeying an officer, obstruction, disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace or any of their other made-up rationales to harass people.

  5. Nowut Ameen AT 6:09 AM
    You should not obey unlawful orders. If you ignore them – don’t react at all – they can’t arrest you for disobeying an officer, obstruction, disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace or any of their other made-up rationales to harass people.

    Disagree. They can arrest you and they can prosecute and imprison you. Don’t misunderstand and think I’m saying that the law would back up those actions because I’m not. The law is what they say it is and they’ll selectively enforce it as long as we let them get away with it.

  6. Election Flu
    I’ve actually seen a few more people wearing masks. Even young people.
    I don’t think people will comply like before.
    Like General Malaise said, lots of trial balloons.

  7. Each day before I go online to get the news and I hope and pray that the stupidity that is infecting America will show signs that it is finally starting to go away but each day I discover that the stupidity isn’t going away, instead I learn that stupidity just keeps going and going and going.

  8. “….stay six feet apart.”
    As I stand near (well within 6 feet) the pig car and talk on my phone.


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