New Hampshire GOP walks back alleged plans to keep Trump off the ballot after backlash – IOTW Report

New Hampshire GOP walks back alleged plans to keep Trump off the ballot after backlash


New Hampshire Secretary of State David Scanlon said on Monday that the state would not be seeking to remove Trump’s name from the primary ballot.

Scanlon told NBC News he is “not seeking to remove any names from the presidential primary ballot, and I have not said that I am seeking to remove any names from the presidential primary ballot,” after hundreds of calls from Trump supporters flooded his office on Monday.

Scanlon said he does expect there to be challenges to Trump’s qualification to run in New Hampshire under the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, which says a person cannot hold a public office is they “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against” the United States.

The phone calls came after Charlie Kirk spoke out against the recent spate of articles prior from The Atlantic, New York Times, and other outlets saying thst elections are bad for democracy and that Trump should be knocked off the ballot. The articles claim that Trump should be prohibited from being on the ballot by the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, which was drafted to keep Confederates from becoming politically elected leaders after the Civil War.
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44 Comments on New Hampshire GOP walks back alleged plans to keep Trump off the ballot after backlash

  1. This is sooooo 1984. The Misinformation Bureau says that Trump incited an insurrection against our country, therefore it is true. Anyone disagreeing is imprisoned and called unpatriotic. Truth is lies, and lies are truth.
    But guns are still guns.

  2. The Republican establishment agenda and interests overlap the Democrats agenda and interests. The entire Republican establishment is far closer to the furthest left Democrat than they are to Constitutional conservatives.

    They only do the right thing when it is their own interest and they have no opportunity to dry shave their base.

  3. Sure Jan…
    “[Desantis] would lose Miami-Dade to Joe Biden. Donald Trump would carry it.. a ton of Hispanics are telling us ‘I’ll write in Trump’”

    This is TOTAL OPPOSITE of what happened in 2020 & 2022.
    We have precedent already but go ahead with that fantasy.

    BTW, writing a name in, no matter who = 4 more years of democrat rule.
    Even 30% is ridiculous. A pipe dream.

    If RDS is done, why is Trump so worried about him?

  4. The only people I’ve noticed worried about him seem to be the ones who are invested in him. He doesn’t impress me as particularly bright. All he had to do is keep doing what he is doing in Florida, keep his head down and his mouth shut on Trump and he would have been sitting in the cat bird seat going into 2028.

  5. You might as well write in Ross Perot because the same Clintonish result will happen that happened in 1992…

    I mean, go ahead. I get it.
    It would be a protest vote and I honestly don’t blame anyone for doing so. I really don’t.
    That said, please be honest and admit that the results will be 4 more years of democrat rule.

  6. From Trump (As in, how to alienate potential general election voters by projecting lies during a state emergency)

    “So now it is learned that Governor Ron DeSanctimonious unnecessarily approved a 20% hike in Florida Electricity Rates, the largest in history (by far!), after taking a 9.5 Million Dollar Campaign Contribution from “money machine” Florida Power and Light, and subsidiaries,” began Trump on Truth Social Thursday morning. “Next up to check out is the Insurance Industry, where DeSanctus gave up the store. His campaign and poll numbers have ‘CRASHED’ to a point where it doesn’t much matter anymore, but what a shame for Florida!”

    Sounds to me like Trump has his priorities ALL fucked up if 999 ain’t DeSantis.
    What a dirtbag move…
    Trump deserves what he gets when he can’t stop the diarrhea of the mouth.

  7. I’m not saying DeSantis has a chance in the primary if Trump remains.
    I’m asking why the hell is Trump attacking DeSantis during a statewide crisis?
    A state Trump calls home?
    If DeSantis is only 0.1% a problem, why fuck over a popular governor during a crisis for no apparent reason?
    Trump is Trump’s own worse enemy…

  8. “I’m asking why the hell is Trump attacking DeSantis during a statewide crisis?”

    I’m going to take a wild guess and say Trump doesn’t like the guy or trust him. Or respect him for that matter.

  9. This is why:

    “DeSantis has proven to be an exceptionally competent governor, and while most Republicans outside Florida think of the governor in terms of his bravery in fighting the culture war, most of his popularity in Florida stems from his ability to actually do the meat and potatoes of governing exceptionally well.”

  10. Trump does not know how to govern so he takes it out on someone who has to make the tough decisions.

    Fact check:
    Electricity rates increased across the country.
    Florida was somewhere in the middle for increases and has lower rates than many states.

  11. He has shown this time and again, and especially so in responding to hurricanes. DeSantis does what few politicians do well: do a deep dive into the mechanics of an issue, think through priorities, prepare, and then execute a plan. The results speak for themselves. Even his detractors have a difficult time criticizing his emergency management skills.

    He is that good.

  12. Dude, are you copying and pasting off his campaign literature? LOL

    Let’s see RDS get a border wall built, while every damn elected official in DC fights him, then come talk to me. What your rattling off is mouse nuts compared to Trumps accomplishments. In business and government. Compared to Trump RDS is an amateur.

  13. Here is my suggestion for Trump:
    Stop criticizing DeSantis.
    Instead, take some notes.
    Sure, the 2 AM ALL-CAPS ranting on twitter were fun for all but they achieved nothing but animosity from independent voters.
    You will win the primary by focusing on your accomplishments and not lying about RDS.
    You are way ahead in the polls but the American people still want to see you debate.
    You are being challenged, so why don’t you go slay the dragons on stage?
    I suppose biden* won* by staying in his basement, you will no doubt win while sitting in a courtroom.

  14. You see things drastically different than I do. We are at war. You still have faith in the federal government. I suggest we agree to disagree and I’ll write in Trump if need be and you do the same with your candidate. If you’re referring to the conservatives uniting than they should unite behind the front runner. Not the guy in third or fourth place.

  15. You sound fairly reasonable with that suggestion Brad.
    Like you, I don’t want the guy in third or fourth place either.
    Whomever that is? Vivek, Nikki, Pence?
    It’s a two man race and one man is way ahead, the other is busying cleaning up after Mother Nature.
    So far only four people have qualified for the next debate anyway.

  16. One other thing about “Uniting Everybody”. He did that last time. And the deep state, Mitch the Bitch and company, played him. That’s how we got Christopher Wray. The last thing I want to see is Trump trying to appease these assholes. In fact I want to see him destroy them.

  17. LOCO,,,, STFU. your are not as smart or informed as you think. In fact your are severely lacking at both. STFU.
    meathead the backstabber sells out to globalist a-holes, duh, not too complicated. Those same a-holes oppose MAGA. DeSantis is toast and you backed a loser. That is your real problem and you are still trying to justify a mistake. Very Joe of you.

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