Arizona Secretary of State says he doesn’t have the ability to remove Trump from the 2024 ballot – IOTW Report

Arizona Secretary of State says he doesn’t have the ability to remove Trump from the 2024 ballot

Arizona’s Democrat Secretary of State Adrian Fontes said he does not have the ability to remove former President Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot in the Grand Canyon State. 

There have been calls from lawyers and activists to keep Trump off the ballot under the 14th Amendment, with one Florida lawyer pointing out a clause that says those who “have engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the government cannot hold office.

Other activist groups including Mi Familia Vota and Free Speech for People are also advocating to keep the 45th president off the ballot under the 14th Amendment. 

Fontes said on Wednesday that due to a previous ruling from the Arizona Supreme Court, Trump cannot be barred from running in the state. more here

6 Comments on Arizona Secretary of State says he doesn’t have the ability to remove Trump from the 2024 ballot

  1. ….“have engaged in insurrection or rebellion”…. Just curious but wouldn’t one have to be found guilty? I am pretty sure that it doesn’t state; “having been CHARGED with engaging in insurrection or rebellion…”

  2. When did the law concern them about doing injustice to their enemies?
    We’re at the point when typing something on the Internet which seems funny and point out their stupidity can land you in jail for a long time.

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