Pennsylvania Democrat Party in Shambles, Causing 2024 Worries About Biden – IOTW Report

 Pennsylvania Democrat Party in Shambles, Causing 2024 Worries About Biden

GP- Pennsylvania is a must-win state for Democrats and Joe Biden in 2024, but according to insiders the Democratic party there is in total disarray.

There are cash flow problems and a lack of strong leadership.

Trump won Pennsylvania in 2016 and Democrats have not forgotten it.

Politico reports:

Pennsylvania is key for Biden. Democrats there say the party is in shambles.

In anticipation of a major gathering of rural activists a few weeks ago, the Pennsylvania Democratic Party printed out thousands of cards reminding voters to “Vote at Polls: Election Day Tuesday November 8.”

There was just one small problem: Election Day is Nov. 7.

With a little more than a year to go until the 2024 election, the state Democratic Party is reeling from financial problems and a lack of trust across the party, according to interviews with 20 Democratic officials and operatives throughout Pennsylvania. They include elected officials, county chairs, state committee members, former state party employees and strategists. MORE

19 Comments on  Pennsylvania Democrat Party in Shambles, Causing 2024 Worries About Biden

  1. I call total bullshit on this. PA is one of the most corrupt states. Both parties participate. Everyone running for anything in PA knows you’ll get the apple if you go along. Sooner or later, no matter what the office, you’re gonna have to come across with some favor, a look the other way, hire this guy/company, vote for this bill or over look something….whatever.

    Either you play along or you’re out. This is the state in 2020 that after their SofS announced when the count stopped with DJT ahead by over 700,000 votes, there were still about 1 million left to count.

    When counting “resumed” Biden had magically pulled close and after another 2 million “votes” were counted, he “won” by 80,000.

    Also winning was Fetterman. PA voters might be ignorant but THAT ignorant? Am not fucking buying that either.

    I see out friend Dominion agrees as well.

  2. Any party that can elect a stroked-out vegetable to the Senate has nothing to worry about.

    Politico runs these dopey “Democrats are in trouble” pieces from time to time just to maintain appearances. The Democrats, even coming off a 12-hour bender, wrapped up in a gunny sack, gagged and blindfolded can still do politics better than their opponents.

  3. Ageed, we will believe this b. s. when both the Governor, electoral votes, and both Senators aren’t Demoncrat. If they are in shambles how come they are still successful?

    Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and other small pockets of blue dominates (or should I say dominionates?)

  4. The Dominionbots are tiresome AF! Probably a Democrat voter suppression sock. Ballot harvesting and mail in voting fraud was what the Democrats did in many states. Plenty of evidence of it. No evidence it was the voting machines changing votes, although they will certainly do it if they can. So please stfu and focus on what they actually did!

  5. stfu with the Dominion BS! All the evidence points to ballot harvesting and mail in voting fraud.Democrats want you to think Dominion because it suppresses voting! Wise the FU!

  6. It don’t matter a tinker’s damn how they did it (since truth and facts don’t mean anything) but rather that they did it. There are enough indications of shennagans to prove they did it.

    Convincing enough people that they desired to do it and followed through wit it should be damning enough to wake America up to the art of the steal.

    Btw Dominion was/is part of how it was done so you stfu. (Channelling my inner Brad I guess so sorry Brad)

  7. There are enough ballots under the control of the communist party USA to produce their desired result. All this political talk is like a ghost pain the amputee feels in the limb that has been removed.

    It feels real but it most certainly is not. It’s a habit to talk about it, to spend energy and money on it, but all is waste as long as the ‘most extensive voter fraud machinery in history’ is still extant. Which it is.

    Have you ever said goodbye to someone you really cared for, and you know in your heart you’ll never see them again? It’s like that.

  8. ^^^^^^

    He’s right. As a lifetime Cali resident I can tell you what they’re doing when they stop counting ballets. They’re picking more ballets from the tree of massive fraud. And they’ll keep delaying and keep harvesting until they get their desired out come. I need to laugh evey time that Dominion guy posts his faggy little Giggle comment. Dude has no idea.

  9. Most of the “Dominion – It’s hopeless sock puppets” are voter suppression shills. They are either brainfarting boobs, or operatives from lefty NGO’s or chyyyyynaaaaaa!

  10. my jurisdiction used to have touch-screen ‘ballots’. you could skip the ‘ballot check’ on the last screen if you wanted & just submit it into the ether. last time we used them She Who Must Be Obeyed checked her ballot & all her choices turned to straight D’cRat. she re-did her ballot again, checked it again & all her choices again turned to D’cRat. it happened 2 more times. she got a poll worker to ‘re-boot’ the machine & then it took her choices.

    true story … I wonder how many times that happened during the course of that day?
    luckily, there were enough complaints that the machines were taken out & we now have paper ballots … but we still have a week of early voting & mail-ins


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