Pressure: Kaiser Permanente, Lionsgate film studio both drop mask mandate amid rising pushback – IOTW Report

Pressure: Kaiser Permanente, Lionsgate film studio both drop mask mandate amid rising pushback

Not so fast, COVID tyrants: We the People have had enough of all your tyranny, including the mask mandates you are trying but failing to reimplement.

The pushback taking place against the globalist effort to reimplement a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic” 2.0 has reportedly prompted Kaiser Permanente in Santa Rosa, Calif., to rescind a recently implemented policy requiring face masks inside its hospital.

Hollywood studio Lionsgate, which attempted the same thing, has also reversed course and will no longer force its employees to mask up at all times inside the building.

Kaiser will still force its employees to mask up, officials from the hospital system confirmed to the media. For everyone else, Kaiser is “strongly encouraging” them to wear masks at all times in both the hospital and medical offices. more

16 Comments on Pressure: Kaiser Permanente, Lionsgate film studio both drop mask mandate amid rising pushback

  1. “Lionsgate”.

    …COWARDLY lions, maybe.

    Good job getting Kaiser to back off, too.

    I recall them as somebof the biggest Coof Nazis on the Left Coast, and that’s saying something.

  2. An article was written early in the covid fiasco. It asserted that during George Bush’s presidency a high school student wrote a letter suggesting the 6 foot rule during a flu outbreak.
    The idea was laughed at back then. Before all the tyrannical possibilities occurred to the power hungry politicians.

  3. This solves the shirts vs skins debate for the upcoming civil wah (revenge of the Americans).

    People in masks are the bad guys. Just like when we were kidz. This makes everything so much simpler.

  4. The real threat comes from OSHA to the company you’re working at.
    They will shut us down.
    Need to find a way to fight back so to speak. If everyone said no they would fold.
    Push back, push back jack.
    I hate these Nazis!

  5. AJ, the little tyrants at public health departments are also a big problem. 99% of them aren’t doctors, just schlubs with public health policy degrees. Not that doctors are much better nowadays.

  6. I have been going to Kaiser on a weekly basis to see the podiatrist since the first of the year for a wound on the bottom of my right foot. The good news is finally after all this time is that the wound has completely closed up within the past month and is healed, thank God. The mask mandate was lifted earlier this year and I hope it stays that way and even most of the receptionists and other staff are no longer wearing the damn things. It is so nice to wear regular shoes again (within the past week and a half) and to quit wearing that big black ugly Frankenboot to keep the pressure off of the bottom of my right foot. I just hope that our shithead governor Inslee stays the hell out of reinstituting extremely unpopular mask mandates again. We will not comply this time and won’t be fooled again by more plandemic bullshit.

  7. There are over 200 studies that show masks don’t work. CDC has said masks don’t work.The .1 micron virus goes thru masks! The powers that be know this so why do they keep pushing this???

  8. At least when the ugly-ass lefties are masked, I don’t have to see their stupid faces.
    I’m in favor of sound-proof hoods for them so that I don’t have to hear them either.


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