Biden: ‘I Haven’t Had the Occasion to Go to East Palestine’ – IOTW Report

Biden: ‘I Haven’t Had the Occasion to Go to East Palestine’

Breitbart: President Joe Biden on Saturday claimed that he has not “had the occasion” to go East Palestine, Ohio, despite promising to do so back in March, after the village suffered air and water contamination from a chemical spill resulting after a trail derailment.


Like ski trips and beach vacations? Yeah you’ve been so busy.

Biden gave a rambling answer after a reporter asked him why he had not yet visited, saying:

I haven’t had the occasion to go to East Palestine. There’s a lot going on here, and I just haven’t been able to break. I was thinking that I’d go to East Palestine this week but then I was reminded I’ve gotta go literally around the world. I’m going from, from Washington to India to Vietnam to — and so I was gonna be awhile but we’re making sure that East Palestine has what they need materially in order to deal with their problems.

Biden was at the time in Florida to survey damage from Hurricane Idalia. Just weeks ago, he visited Maui to survey the damage done by the fires on the island.

However, it is not clear why Biden has not found the time to visit East Palestine, which is still recovering from the spill. more here

16 Comments on Biden: ‘I Haven’t Had the Occasion to Go to East Palestine’

  1. The people in East Palestine, Ohio are not joey’s kind of people. They’re mostly working class icky white people who don’t support his America hating policies and therefore don’t deserve a visit. Joey hates these people as much as he hates all of us who don’t agree with him. Lunchbucket joe, my ass.

  2. Dr. Tar AT 8:03 AM
    “He’s not winning many votes in Eastern Ohio.”

    Really? I have him winning by a comfortable margin! I wonder which one of us is right?


  3. He needs to polish his dumb old codger act up, if he had a smartly written old codger act, he’d say, “I was just there last week, wasn’t I”??? He needs a new script writer.

  4. Biden: “East Palestine? I’ll be going there real soon. That Yasser Arafat is a bad dude. No Joke. The Palestinians are a great people. I grew up in a Palestinian neighborhood. I’m not kidding. My word as a Biden.”

  5. Dominion

    GWB learned 40 years ago, “Its no who votes; ITS WHO COUNTS THE VOTES!”. Which is why his boy kemp has you in Ga. A! My weak Canuck talk. help me out here Kcr!


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