Are The Chinese Draining The Panama Canal? – IOTW Report

Are The Chinese Draining The Panama Canal?

By John Mills (Col, USA, Ret)

With the collapse of any form or decorum of the Monroe Doctrine, the Chinese are having a field day in Central and South America. Country after country has fallen to Left Wing “Election Victories” and no where is an American to be found.

In Panama – a growing and burgeoning country, the Singapore of the Americas, the greatly expanded and modernized Panama Canal has never looked better. Chinese interests dominate ports at each end of the Canal, Chinese Belt and Road built bridges span the Canal, and the pilotage services of the ships in transit seem to have a Chinese connection. But don’t blame the Chinese, Americans have evaporated from the country built with American blood and sweat. The days of American young men and women traveling to this tropical enclave to seek their fortune in life are gone. There are plenty of opportunities in modern Panama for an American, but the American youth have become indoctrinated and zombie like in thinking that working in the cubicle farm of a non-profit, writing environmental impact statements is their pathway for the future. Hence the lack of Americans.

But the “drought” and low water levels have suddenly become a throttling factor in shipping throughput. Water management of the Canal has been put out for contract and pulled back at least a couple of times by the Panamanian authorities. They have now brought in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to be their “advisors” in re-soliciting the Request for Proposal for this engineering service and several Chinese companies are stalking this opportunity. more here

11 Comments on Are The Chinese Draining The Panama Canal?

  1. What was that alternate dig proposal? Three atomic bombs? Double duty now as if would cool the earth to appease the globaloney crowd. Triple-duty if we can do it while the WEF meets there….

  2. The drought is old news. It is caused by deforestation in the neighboring hills. Trees drive the water cycle that powers the canal. The deforestation was facilitated under pineapple-face’s reign.

    That said, the Chinese will use their position to manipulate the canal for their own purposes. When we were sane, we did. Jimmy Carter is an anarchist.

  3. Glad to see that bum Carter getting his just dues.

    “the Chinese are having a field day in Central and South America.”

    Africa as well;

    I spent about 18 months there in the 70’s while in the military, beautiful country and the people there were super friendly. The locks on both sides of Gatun Lake that control the canal are a marvel in engineering. I was also struck by the number of cemeteries packed with Frenchmen who all died of malaria in the 1880’s when they first tried to build the canal.

    Interesting fact; the Atlantic side of the canal is farther west than the Pacific side.

  4. A few bombs would clear the way. So when a Navy was in a real hurry, they could literally blow their way through. Since that would the most entertaining way to make a very nice canal, the odds for it occurring are greater than you think.

  5. You can’t LV Brad. There is a mountain that had to be conquered and many locks for elevation changes.
    Read Path Between the Seas. I think it was David McCullough.

    And Carter just fucking gave it away. Bill Clinton signed the final takeover on the sly.


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