Hospital That Fired Nurses for Refusing Vaccines Now Begging Them to Return – IOTW Report

Hospital That Fired Nurses for Refusing Vaccines Now Begging Them to Return

And yet Democrats voted AGAINST an amendment to reinstate unvaxxed pilots.

Geller Report: A Maine health-care provider wants the nurses it fired during the pandemic for refusing to be vaccinated against the coronavirus to come back to work.

32 Comments on Hospital That Fired Nurses for Refusing Vaccines Now Begging Them to Return

  1. The hospital is like a toxic abusive ex swearing they’ve changed and deserve another chance.

    Most of us nurses and CNAs went out into the world outside our comfort zones and learned how versatile we can be.

    We’re not coming back.

  2. I know some damn good nurses. They take their profession pretty damn seriously. Why would you want to work for an organization that, either, was so wrong, or sold out? Fuckem. Very few of these nurses are out of work. They just moved on.

  3. Get all the nurses together and launch a massive class action lawsuit. Sue the hospital and all of it’s affiliates into oblivion.
    As it is considered malpractice not sue all parties related to the suit, be sure to include CEO’s, and board members individually.
    Hospitals got big govt bucks for putting people on ventilators, prescribing Remdesivir, and making sure all death certificates said covid.

    “Albert Bourla, PhD. Chair and CEO, Pfizer – Total compensation: $30,543,706”

  4. The articles I’ve read about this all say the hospital bosses are trying to get away with the “Ve vere chust following ordahz” excuse à la Nazis at Nuremberg. Piss on ’em.

  5. …even IF they wanted to come back, if they haven’t been practicing and getting CEUs, are they still licensed?

    I don’t know how nurse licenese work in Maine but most medical licenses need some mix of documented training and practical hours to be current. Just curious if that’s the case here or of they’d need some form of of refesher before they could practice again, or if the state plans on simply waiving it.

    Physical skills and clinical knowledge are perishable things, I can tell you that first hand. If they’ve been out of the game awhile, even an old pro can’t expect to go from 0 to 100 on Day 1 no matter what a licensing body says.

    …and I’d be leery about it anyway, what with Coof 2: The Next Election Cycle on the horizon.

    I get the feeling y’all are just a stopgap until they get some illegals a semblance of training, probably insisting you help them learn, then adios all over again…

  6. Daughter fought and got the exemption from the jab. Went to part time and finished her Masters with also getting licensed as a nurse practitioner. Laughed at the hospital organization when they offered a new position.

    Seems there a LOT of openings for her skill set and a new job within the next few weeks. Two years away from her own practice or partnership with another practitioner she did clinicles with. Not sure how all the places got her info and recent graduation, but quite a few seeking her for interviews.

    Many of the best now gone from many of the large medical organizations.

  7. Nursing is one of those professions where you can go just about anywhere and find employment. I found it odd that hospitals would fire healthcare workers in the middle of the ‘pandemic’.

  8. Good on the nurses who tell this facility to ESAD.

    Off topic, but kinda not.
    I read an article the other day, that upcoming med students, studying towards surgical careers, lack fine motor skills.
    I for one, can’t wait until these geniuses start their rotations.

  9. Guv Janet Mills issued a decree that all healthcare workers who wouldn’t or didn’t get the clot shots be fired.
    This hospital is just the only one (yet) begging the nurses to return.
    The other employees who were fired all over the state haven’t been asked.
    The nurses are rightfully ticked off that the hospital complied with General Mills and didn’t even try to stick up for them and are now using form letters to ask their return. Cowards can’t even bring themselves to make personal calls.
    And what happens when Mills orders more shots for this year’s election flu?
    The nurses are right to be mad.

  10. Wylie 1
    Don’t forget the border jumpers and the pharmaceutical industry being exempt. Their product is so crappy, ineffective and dangerous they’ve exempted themselves.
    But hey, if you peons don’t take it we’ll fire you and ruin your life.

  11. 4 out of 5 flights taken by me or family since fakeflu resulted in delays of up to 8 hours. I guess if you fly on charters or military planes, you don’t have to worry; .gov is always on time.
    Might as well drive.

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