Overdose Deaths From Counterfeit Pills Increasing – IOTW Report

Overdose Deaths From Counterfeit Pills Increasing

Newsmax: A growing number of overdose deaths in the United States involve counterfeit pills, health officials reported Thursday.

Overdose deaths involving counterfeit pills were twice as common in the latter half of 2021 as they were in the last six months of 2019, accounting for about 5% of overdose deaths, according to a new study from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In Western states, those rates tripled during the same period.

The drugs are made to look like prescription opioids or stimulants to treat ADHD. About 75% were made to look like oxycodone, the researchers said.

Most were transported to this country from Mexico, “infiltrating drug markets in western U.S. states,” the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency said in a public safety alert issued two years ago. The alert warned of fake prescription pills laced with fentanyl and methamphetamine. In 2021 alone, law enforcement seized more than 9.5 million pills, a steep increase. more

9 Comments on Overdose Deaths From Counterfeit Pills Increasing

  1. My daughter from Nashville called me this morning with great concern about her sister-in-law named Annie who lives in Padukah, Kentucky who has fallen head over heels in love with a felon creep who has a rap sheet for dealing meth and fentanyl. Annie needs our prayers to get away from this creep before she ends up dead or becomes a meth head or worse. She comes from a Christian family and needs help immediately before things could get worse. My daughter and I would appreciate any and all prayers for Annie and for her family to keep and protect her and save her from this creep. Thank you.

  2. Should be self correcting as stated above. Curious that the “do something” crowd is clutching their pearls about ‘counterfit drugs’ but not the family member’s use of illegal drugs.

  3. geoff the aardvark AT 9:43 AM

    May the Lord bless and protect Anne and her gamily, turn her from attraction to evil, and shine the light of the Lord to lead her back to His side before the storm takes her. May the Lord help her family help her, give them the words they need to draw her back and the strength to not give up no matter what the demons may say through her before they leave.

    And may the Lord open the eyes on this person leading her into evil, blind him to evil even as Saul was blinded, and use that blindness to talk he and all who follow him back into His light and to His saving grace.

    It is much to ask and I am not worthy of myself, so I ask this on the Blood and the mercy of His Son Jesus Christ. In the name of He that no demon can defy I pray, Amen.

    God bless,

  4. This is why I carry Narcan.

    Abuse can fall on the innocent and unwittiting too, by this and other routes.

    It rains on the just and the unjust alike.

    We should be prepared to save both.

  5. Someone very close to me was poisoned by a fake oxycodone pill laced with fentanyl. It happened during the beginning of the “plandemic” and he couldn’t get a Dr appointment for his back pain, so a “friend” offered to get him some “medicine” to temporarily ease the pain. Now he is dead.


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