NY Times Wakes Up to Corruption in Ukraine as Officials Admit Military Contract Money ‘Vanished’ – IOTW Report

NY Times Wakes Up to Corruption in Ukraine as Officials Admit Military Contract Money ‘Vanished’


In a potential signal of shifting attitudes on how the war in Ukraine is covered in the legacy media, the New York Times is starting to slowly acknowledge the endemic corruption that has been a defining feature of the former Soviet state as officials have admitted that money for military contracts has “vanished”.

Following the dismissal of Ukrainian Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov amid a slew of corruption scandals surrounding the war effort against Russia, the New York Times acknowledged that the “enduring challenge of corruption in Ukraine” has “emerged as a rare area of criticism of President Volodymyr Zelensky’s leadership.”

Although Reznikov has yet to be tied with any of the corruption scandals personally, the Times went on to admit that the resignation has “elevated the issue to the highest level of Ukrainian politics”. Unnamed Ukrainian officials even told the paper that some funds intended for military contracts “failed to produce weaponry or ammunition and that some money has vanished,” while claiming that the issue was merely confined to the early days of the war.

The neo-liberal outlet has previously been keen to highlight claims from the Biden administration on how the Zelensky government has been “committed to fighting corruption,” citing as evidence statements from officials such as veteran Washington insider and Acting Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, who played a pivotal role in the Euromaidan revolution in Ukraine that saw the overthrow of democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych in 2014. MORE

13 Comments on NY Times Wakes Up to Corruption in Ukraine as Officials Admit Military Contract Money ‘Vanished’

  1. Wait till the NYT hears about AFU clearing Russian minefields with recruits who have gotten a week’s training. Will that put their panties in a bunch .. or WHAT?

    Not to mention how this organ grinder’s monkey in the latrine digger’s costume, this second coming of Winston Churchill, is demanding that the rest of Europe send back Ukrainian refugees so they can serve as bullet catchers in the great “counteroffensive” to liberate a semi arid wasteland known as Crimea .. populated by folks who dont want a thing to do with Ukraine.

    Sheesh, a couple more paragraphs and this would officially be a rant. But I just cant let any of you get hoodwinked by the likes of Adam Schiff and Anthony Blinken

  2. This is only the start. Was reading an article posted in a comments section that Russia believes it is only a matter of time before Ukraine does something really stupid and Russia will have to retaliate with nuclear weapons and it will be on the eastern seaboard of the United States where the population density is highest.

  3. Anthony Blinken is over there today with a wheel barrow with another $1,000,000,000.
    Plus, we’ve given them ALL of our 155mm howitzer shells. We are totally depleted.

    Bankrupt and disarmed is going to work well.


  4. My creestal ball seez Insky taking Joey Sheetpants on a beeeg yot ride and disappearing off the radar in 30ms.

    In the rather blurry background is determined looking man with blonde hair wearing a beeeg smile…

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