Fauci: Masks Didn’t Work for ‘Broad Population’ 🤡 – IOTW Report

Fauci: Masks Didn’t Work for ‘Broad Population’ 🤡

Breitbart– Former NIAID Director and White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci said Saturday on CNN’s “Smerconish” that studies showing masks are not effective in the “broad population” do not affect their “advantage” on an individual basis. MORE

29 Comments on Fauci: Masks Didn’t Work for ‘Broad Population’ 🤡

  1. When this whole mask thing started i looked for studies on the efficacy of such.
    There were few,but one that always stuck in my mind was one out of UCB.
    If you are cutting the lawn and have allergy’s one “may be helpful”.

  2. Mask studies on Asians (prior to the scamdemic) who mask during flu season show their rate of flu is the same as countries that don’t mask. If masks don’t work on flu I figured they wouldn’t work for the chyna virus.

    At the heighth of the scamdemic several stores had hall monitors posted at the entry to ensure you were masked. So I went passive-aggressive, wore the mask and soon as I passed the monitors lowered or removed the damned thing.
    I won’t do that again. If stores demand a face diaper they don’t need my money.

  3. I think I’m going to start pretending like I can’t understand when someone with a mask starts telling me something. My plan is to drive them nuts.
    What did you say? What? Did you say 2 screwdrivers for a dollar? What?

  4. When Fauci went full retard and tried to sell double masking, he actually had a workable idea. My thought was to use him as a demonstrator: Tie him down, put another mask on him, and another, and keep putting more masks on him until he quit moving and making noise.

    And that’s how we’d find out how many masks guarantee zero transmission.

  5. “At the heighth of the scamdemic several stores had hall monitors posted at the entry to ensure you were masked. So I went passive-aggressive, wore the mask and soon as I passed the monitors lowered or removed the damned thing.
    I won’t do that again. If stores demand a face diaper they don’t need my money”
    I skipped the passive part and went right to aggressive. I did not wear a mask in any store. I ignored anyone trying to stop me and give me one. I was waiting for someone to tackle me from behind. Didn’t happen.

  6. I got kicked out of my church because I would not wear a mask nor put one on my daughter. The biggest COVID lie was asymptomatic transmission. I’m still shocked at the lack of discernment.

  7. Isn’t that akin to saying that something doesn’t help the forest but assists the trees?
    Again, ad nauseam, the voids in the (any) mask are LARGER than the virus.
    IF you can breathe through the mask THEN the mask will not stop a virus.
    Masks were a foolish mandate from the start – and every medical professional knew it but was too cowardly to buck it. The hospital demanded masks so I went wearing a Harbor Freight dust mask which those morons found completely acceptable.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. In the beginning Dr Fuckery said we had to mask up to “protect others”. Now he is saying it only protects you and not others. The corksucker will lie until he dies, which can’t come soon enough.


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