Football coach who won Supreme Court case to pray on field quits after first prayer – IOTW Report

Football coach who won Supreme Court case to pray on field quits after first prayer

“It is apparent that the reinstatement ordered by the Supreme Court will not be fully followed after a series of actions meant to diminish my role and single me out in what I can only believe is retaliation by the school district…” he wrote in the letter. MORE

13 Comments on Football coach who won Supreme Court case to pray on field quits after first prayer

  1. You won the case, they hate you for showing others just who they are. I don’t know how much money you won, but use your God given talents some where else. You really didn’t think you would be welcomed back with open arms did you? Maybe sue them again for harassment since they don’t want students seeing you pray. God is greater than they are.

  2. The State of Washington takeover by out and proud Satanists was an inevitable consequence of the Republican establishment standing by and allowing the daylight 2004 gubernatorial election. Make absolutely no mistake about it, they are as invested in “progressivism” as are the Democrats, they knew damn well what they were doing and are just hunky dory with the outcome.

  3. John 15:18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. KJV

    So, good on you for being hated for loving Jesus outwardly. Their hate is a sign you’re doing it right.

    Now I don’t know the particulars, but is it more profitable to leave or stay and be a thorn in their side, giving Jesus more exposure with their free advertising. Maybe a lawsuit against their retaliation was in order – but you quit. They won now. They got what they wanted – No Jesus in their face.

    I see fading since you ran, Maybe I’m wrong, but it looked like you were in the middle of your mission filed. What’s next now?


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