Fulton County Grand Jury Recommended Charges against Lindsey Graham  – IOTW Report

Fulton County Grand Jury Recommended Charges against Lindsey Graham 

Envolve: The special grand jury in Fulton County, that indicted President Donald Trump and 18 others, also recommended charges against Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and two former Georgia GOP senators.

Former Sens. David Perdue (R-GA) and Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) were both targetted along with Graham.

These recommended charges were reviewed in the special counsel grand jury report which was released today.

The grand jury also recommended charges against attorney Cleta Mitchell, Michael Flynn, Lin Wood, and Boris Epshteyn.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis did not charge the lawmakers or the others when she returned an indictment last month.

Thirteen grand jurors voted to recommend indicting Graham, while seven voted no and one abstained. more

9 Comments on Fulton County Grand Jury Recommended Charges against Lindsey Graham 

  1. Dear Fulton County taxpayer,

    We are reaching out to you today to explain why you will be experiencing an enormous property tax increase. As you may be aware, the prosecutor of our county has decided that it is in the best interests of our residents to pursue charges against a large number of Republicans and their supporters including former President Trump.

    The court cases are, at this time, projected to run as long as 18 to 24 months but could run longer. Costs could increase as additional persons that do not support our agenda of a one world government are brought to justice.

    Should your taxes become too much of a burden, nice folks at BlackRock are standing by to purchase your properties. You may choose to remain and pay rent for a period of time mutually agreed upon or you may choose to move to one of BlackRock’s 15 minute cities that will be the home of people such as yourself. Your compliance will ensure that those holding positions in government that are the planners of your future will have the resources they require.

    Regardless of how this all transpires, you can be assured that Trump and his supporters will be dealt with in the manner that conservative criminals deserve and you can be proud to be supporting those efforts through your tax dollars even if it does appear that those dollars now belong to us.

    Remember, “War is Peace / Freedom is Slavery / Ignorance is Strength”

    Thank you comrade for doing your part.

  2. Is that wack job woman still the Grand Jury Foreman?
    Leftists go crazy when they’re given a taste of power.
    Like Radio said, just announce it’s now illegal to be Republican, conservative or Christian.

  3. LOL! Are you kidding? Ms. Lindsey was laughing off the very idea he might be indicted in recent comments to the press. He paid off the necessary Swamp authorities. Establishment RINOs aren’t the target of the left. Ms. Lindsey won’t miss any of his garden parties.

  4. Lindsey is a piece of excrement. After Ashley was shot he said that that was good and they should shot more of the people at the Capitol. THEY FORGET THIS OUR HOUSE WE BUILT IT, THEY WORK FOR US!!!!!!!!


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