Get Your Poverty Simulation Tickets! – IOTW Report

Get Your Poverty Simulation Tickets!

Liberal Virtue Signaling on Steroids.

14 Comments on Get Your Poverty Simulation Tickets!

  1. In this country “simulating poverty” means that I am 30 pounds overweight, have a cell phone and a color TV, most likely a pretty nice roof over my head, readily available transportation, with my own car or public, with access to more modern conveniences that a large portion of the world can only dream of.

  2. 147 K median income, 500K in property value? Yea well, don’t come to Cali unless you can double that shit. Mean while Gavin wants your guns. Because even as a legal non violent gun owner you’re part of the problem. Or maybe he’s worried about being shot. He should.

  3. Oh, darn. can’t find that event. I wanted to see how much tickets cost even though I was certain they weren’t charging enough.

    A faithful simulation of poverty would have to include hypnosis or some form of conditioning to make you believe beyond any doubt that you had starving children, and I mean really starving, and fat men with guns would shoot you if you tried to get food for them. But I doubt anyone would buy into that experience if you advertised it that way.

  4. These liberal fart sniffers are not that far to the east of me.

    How in God’s name can anyone be that self-unaware.

    Three hours and now they understand what it’s like to be poor!?

  5. Brad AT 10:46 PM

    Thinking those numbers might be a tad low. Especially in the property value department. Perhaps the servant’s quarters are valued at that. Although I don’t doubt we can’t compete with the left coast.

  6. Yes, there’s some money there, but there’s a number of other suburbs that far and away over shadow these Guineas wonderful Italian people. I get to say that with permission from my Sicilian wife.

  7. Anymouse

    We’re fortunate. Blessed actually. When the Halfrican imposed sequestration our market went to shit. Painful is an understatement. That’s the exact time when we started noticing older homeless couples along the road side. Back pack laden and hand in hand. Can you imagine. Those were the first casualties. It’s gonna get a lot worse. Especially when they start taking your retirement accounts/investments. Which they chip away at every day. They’ll do it, because they don’t give a fuck.

    PS, my youngest son, who blessed us with the coolest Grand Daughter 18 months ago, just purchased an “entry level home”. New construction. 2100 sq ft house, postage stamp lot. 750K. He’s making pretty good money at the shop, she’s a nurse. 70% of the subdivision are Indians. Two homes are occupied by UKE Nationalists that never leave their homes. Personally I’m thinking our hosing market is very close to not being a free market.

  8. I say, there, Lovey, would you like to pretend we’re poor for a few hours?

    We may have to drink muscatel straight out of the bottle instead of Bollinger Brut but I’m sure it’ll be a fun and enlightening experience.

  9. Wanna try Maine?
    Average income about $50,000, average home price $350,000
    Third highest taxed in the country, only behind NY & HI.
    Rent for a 400 sq ft studio is $1800 mo. Higher than Boston.
    The fat, dumb and miserable will continue to vote Democrats into office though.

  10. Brad AT 11:28 PM

    Watching similar…

    Looking at my son and DIL (the eye docs) it’s another world that I don’t comprehend. Monthly outlay could be compared to annual incomes from when I was a kid.

  11. Anybody who’s ever been to college knows full well about the rich kids who engage in “recreational poverty”. It’s so stupid because it lacks that key element that REAL poverty has, which is that you can’t escape it. Your current shitty day is real, and will be the same or shittier tomorrow. No rich democrat asshole will ever experience that, and they damn well know it.

  12. It’s an opportunity to show off your pre-dirtied jeans, $3,250.00, your pre-destroyed tee shirt, $1,950.00, and your pre-scuffed up work boots, $890.00. Guaranteed no deplorable working person wore these brand new articles to achieve the effect. Only certified Chinese slave labor was used in the creation of these unique items. One tenth of one percent of the net profit in these SKUs goes to ‘Free transgender Tibet!’… remember Tibet? It’s so yesterday.

    Anyone who’s ever been in genuine poverty knows what it is and would wish it on no one. In America, most poverty is self inflicted, and can only be ameliorated from within.

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