Lindsey Graham Reacts After Learning Georgia Special Grand Jury Wanted to Indict Him – IOTW Report

Lindsey Graham Reacts After Learning Georgia Special Grand Jury Wanted to Indict Him

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on Friday reacted after learning the Georgia special grand jury that investigated Trump wanted to indict him.

17 Comments on Lindsey Graham Reacts After Learning Georgia Special Grand Jury Wanted to Indict Him

  1. Stupid ass reply.

    A bit late to worry about ‘legality’ after you, SENATOR, stomped and encouraged others to desecrate the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and every facet of American Justice.

    You colluding bottom feeding shrimp, gobbling up the tatters of America.

  2. Charlie Kirks an idiot too. Correct response, Do it, I dare you. You got a D minus student that use to ride the short bus leading this parade due to hiring and promoting due to skin pigmentation over I.Q. That shits almost, almost, racist.
    Fuck Lindsey. I hope she hangs him.

  3. Dr. Hambone at 9:58 pm — “These leftists are going to have to be dealt with the way the Allies dealt with the Nazi Party.”

    MrLiberty at 10:14 pm — “Do you think this will finally get these spineless shits to wake up and realize that these election thieves must be crushed beyond recognition?”

    Yeah!…And…What happened to all our Firing Squads when this Country so desperately needs them now, along with “by the book and backbone” justice?

  4. “We are opening Pandora’s Box here”

    No, you simpering, rino m——rf——r, the lid was ripped off the hinges a few years ago, and you just noticed because your tail feathers got singed. You have thrown your lot with vengeful, stupid ideologues, thinking that they’d never turn on you. I hope you, and a dozen other rinos, get your mug shots soon. We tried to tell you, and we were called domestic terrorist conspiracy theorists for our troubles.

    So smile for the camera. Or frown. I do not care. I hope they come for your lawyers, too.

  5. Oh and lets not forget how you haven’t lifted a finger to help the J6 who have had their constitutional rights stripped from them and thrown in jail for protesting.

  6. That ‘Pandora’s Box’ Graham speaks of will leak out the fact that he was a GANG OF 8 member (along with Marco Rubio) who wanted to pass a bill handing out across-the-board amnesty to all illegals in the US. Graham is a disgusting faker.

  7. “Wanted to indict” is a lot different than “being indicted” & it was all for show. Graham’s been too good of a friend to the Democrats all these years for them to sacrifice him now when he can quietly continue to hamstring Trump.


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