Police State – IOTW Report

Police State

“The police state isn’t coming, it’s already here.

12 Comments on Police State

  1. The regime is not going to be happy about this.
    Get ready for found crimes against some of these people.
    I’m going.
    I wonder if theaters that run this will be under surveillance?

  2. “Security is mortals’ chiefest enemy.”

    As aircubed wrote above, we traded Liberty for (false) Security.
    The diabolical narcissists have undermined our culture, our polity, our law enforcement, and our system of “justice.” It is to be seen if we can resurrect our once-beloved country.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. @Beachmom: Remember during the fake pandemic and they were going into church parking lots and taking a photo of every car in the parking lot? License plate readers are now every where. Got a cell phone? You’re being pinged, they know where you’re at.

  4. Overpaid thugs constantly looking for a way to violate your rights. A very small minority actually uphold their oath. Ever wonder what happened to “protect and serve,” yeah, it doesn’t exist anymore.

  5. @cmn..guy. Scanned the C40 doc and couldn’t find a definition of what a C40 city is. Seems it’s the name of their group and, most likely, a city that chooses to follow these idiotic guidelines?

    I also didn’t find the exceptions for the city planners and enforcers, who would be able to do as they please.

    These stupid planners need to experience C4 up close and personal.

  6. In 70 years I’ve had maybe 6 or 7 encounters with police for minor traffic violations. It was obvious they enjoyed writing tickets to show who’s boss.
    I also knew a woman who was married to one who said cops routinely get “favors” from women to not write tickets.


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