Ex-Harvard Journal editor accuses Biden of plagiarism – IOTW Report

Ex-Harvard Journal editor accuses Biden of plagiarism

“Instead of thanking me for protecting the integrity of the Journal, they covered for Biden,” Severino claimed.

Just The News: President Joe Biden has long sparked controversy over instances of plagiarism, but one former editor of the Harvard Journal on Legislation has recently come forward with details of a particular infraction that he says shows “consciousness of guilt.”

The president has previously admitted to prior plagiarism instances, including one in which he plagiarized an article from a law review while attending school, per the New York Times.

Earlier this week, Heritage Foundation Vice President Roger Severino outlined his alleged experience in 2000 when he edited a Biden-penned article on civil rights and was “shocked by the plagiarism” he found.

“Cite checking involves formatting case citations under highly prescribed rules and searching Westlaw to make sure the cases haven’t been overruled or superseded. Because I was interested in the article’s topic (civil rights) I read a bunch of the cited cases all the way through,” he posted. “That’s when I noticed that a certain turn of phrase in an opinion sounded oddly familiar even though it was my [first] time reading it.” MORE

5 Comments on Ex-Harvard Journal editor accuses Biden of plagiarism

  1. There likely isn’t a single story that Biden has ever told nor article he’s ever claimed authorship of that isn’t plagiarism or a flat out lie. The only thing FJB really does is shit on average people, molest kids (including his own), and setup kickback schemes with the rest of his filthy, stinking, evil family from Hell.

  2. This triggers my suspicion-o-mometer. It happened 23 years ago and we are just now hearing about it?

    The dumpocraps really want Sniffer Joe out of the WH and replaced with someone with at least half a brain. It maybe a rotten democrat half brain, but still a step up from FJB.


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