Covid mRNA Shots Have Triggered VAIDS Epidemic: Study – IOTW Report

Covid mRNA Shots Have Triggered VAIDS Epidemic: Study

Scientists are raising the alarm after a new study shows that Covid mRNA vaccines are responsible for a global epidemic of vaccine-acquired immune deficiencies (VAIDS).

Like, AIDS, VAIDS, attacks the body’s immune system making people vulnerable to other infections, not just Covid.

The new study specifically raises concerns about the immune effects of Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

VAIDS is a new colloquial term coined by researchers and health practitioners amid soaring cases of compromised immune systems since the Covid shots rollout.

A growing number of experts now believe the Big Pharma Covid injections may impair or suppress immune responses.

However, VAIDS is not yet recognized as a medical condition and is often shot down as a “conspiracy theory” by advocates of the experimental shots.

While the new study does not use the term VAIDS, the researchers recognized that the Covid mRNA vaccines are causing acquired immune deficiencies (AIDS). more here

31 Comments on Covid mRNA Shots Have Triggered VAIDS Epidemic: Study

  1. …see, I lived through it the first time Fauci tried this with actual AIDS in the ’80s, so I knew how this Coof thing was gonna go this time, and also how they will mask the results of VAIDS just like they did AIDS once itbwas connected to the homosexual community.

    AIDS and now VAIDS don’t kill in and of themselves, they just open your borders, so to speak, so an opportunistic infection can invade. This means even normally harmless agents easily killed by your body every day suddenly face no opposition, and then they or anything else can jull you.

    So what goes on the death certificate is the opportunistic infection, or its sequele, as a cause of death, NOT what caused you to be vulnerable to the infection in the FIRST place.

    See how neatly that works? You can die of literally ANYTHING your compromised immune system can’t defend against, so a thousand different and seemingly unconnected deaths happen with no way to link them to the common underlying VAIDS that allowed them to happen, since Obamacare doctors see to it that any mention is “often shot down as a “conspiracy theory” by advocates of the experimental shots”.

    The devil is not original and so neither are his minions, so this will be a repeat of that.

    They will ignore any questions about the relationship of the vaxxx the same way they have in the direct vaxxx kills that I have seen first-hand they are aggressively uninterested in repeating.

    Medicine is dead.

    Don’t let it take you with it.

  2. In a way, I’m glad they laid on all the hype and hard sell before they started injecting people. As a result I was never “vaccine hesitant.” I didn’t hesitate a bit before saying, “Hell no! Get away from me with that stuff! You won’t even tell me what’s in it!”

    But I never really thought it was going to be as bad as it has turned out to be.

  3. Everyone I know who hasn’t died from the jab have all kinds of issues that they didn’t have before getting jabbed. High blood pressure, clotting issues, can’t eat foods they’ve always ate without getting sick or severe stomach cramps, sick all the time with different viral infections, heart problems, mini-strokes, poor circulation, rare types of cancer, etc.

  4. I have had 2 COOF shots as I have mentioned B-4.
    Canickistan, Bills, & Fuck all will Kill me, Except ME!

    I know I already HAD COOF WELL B4 the Vax etc.

    I EAT, Drink (boozy), Worry, Work, Invest, & Work Out TOO MUCH.

    Does MEAT get any more RED than STEAK TAR TAR?

    Last week I turned in my fastest lap time ever on my Mountain bike by 1 min & 3 sec. Today, i was a tic slower by 15 sec. all after breaking a rib 5 weeks ago. IDGAF ANYMORE!

    The SECRET is to DRINK LIKE FUCKING HELL, PAY THE PIPER in the MORNING at the GYM or at work & enjoy WHAT YOU ENJOY!

    LAPHROIAG or ARBEG – keep it above 43% & Beer to sober up.

    Elijah Craig/4 Roses small batch/Woodford Reserve, if you feel patriotic friends & wish to buy “Merican” – I do!


  5. When I first heard about the vaccine, and the term mRNA was tossed around. Warning signs immediately lit up, and I said no way in hell.

    I know what RNA is, as it goes hand in hand with DNA. So we were talking genetic level type shit. The “m” prefix always bothered me as it implied something being introduced where it wasn’t before. Nobody gets to do that to me under any circumstance….I’ll shoot the shit out of you if you try.

    Face it, TPTB hate the vast majority of us. Hate ’em back with extreme prejudice.

  6. Kcir, listen up son. LOL

    “I EAT, Drink (boozy), Worry, Work, Invest, & Work Out TOO MUCH.”

    “Work Out To Much”. That’s impossible. On to alcohol. Alcohol kills testosterone. Be mindful.

    The wife and I have both had the initial two. I was fresh off the cancer bull shit and my Oncologists basically scared the shit out of my wife, so we both got it. Pfizer. At that time there were reports that they were still running placebo tests on the general public. Rich white zips were getting the placebo. I’m hoping. Neither one of us even got a sore arm from it. SO we’re hopeful. Shortly after that more reliable Tin Foil hat 411 was rolling out and we both decided fuck your booster. So far so good. However, that poison effects certain body types much worse than other and I swear I can spot them. We’ve all read the warnings about fat people getting the JAB. The CCD was basically forced to publish a warning. All true. However I think it has to do more with water retention. If you’re a puffy MoFo, don’t get near the jab.

  7. lol … Brad, I just seriously, for a few nanoseconds, thought about changing my screen name to ‘Puffy MoFo’ …. dunno why, just thought that name was hysterical

    btw, I ain’t no ‘Puffy MoFo’ …. then again, I love this name so much I just might use it as an alter-ego

    & … I totally agree w/ your assessment … this ‘vaxxx’ targets certain body types … that’s why they need to roll out ‘new & improved’ vaxxx, targeting the rest of us … after all, Maui was just the next phase to eradicate us ‘deplorables’ for the Oprahs, Obamas & other useful tools


    It sure would be nice to figure out how to support those poor bastards in Maui. They’re getting fucked like no other. This is akin to stealing all native Americans lands back in the early 1800s. It crazy. Now they’ve fenced it off, have all kinds of FED cops running around. They’ve arrested and jailed several local citizen journalists. And mean while there are still over 350 missing children. How do you do that to people?
    We’re going in October. I’ll see if I can’t get arrested. LOL

  9. BRAD,

    1) 3 things will survive a nuclear Holocaust:
    Brad, LBS, & Cockroaches

    2) I get why you/we/others took the shit even though we KNEW IN OUR HEARTS that we didn’t need it.

    3) Save your ENERGY for when the WORLD really needs it. In our hearts we may vent but there is a time and a place but so far it looks like the jackasses are starting to realize the BUILD BACK BETTER, DEMOS, & BIDENS are all COMPLETE BULLSHIT. 2024! I’m Hopeful as it looks like Turdeaus, WEF, UN, etc. are actually on the run. They can’t keep up with the LIES ANYMORE.


  10. My father was killed by the shots.
    An uncle had a heart attack after the shots.
    An aunt got some kind of cancer no one ever heard of after the shots.
    Other relatives were sick for a week up to months after just one or two shots.
    No freaking way is that stuff coming near me.

  11. I do think some got placebos at first. The reason I say that is one of my daughter’s in-laws got the first two and never had any issues. Then her dumbass got a booster and was sick as hell, since the booster she’s had this breaking out all on her face around her mouth and nose and trouble breathing. Doctor’s claimed it was something do with her sinus cavity and did surgery on it. It didn’t help and in addition she now has some weird autoimmune disease(I don’t remember the name), high blood pressure, a few months ago she started complaining of pain in her back, doctors said her autoimmune disease has caused her to get arthritis and she has arthritis in her back and then it moved to her knees and hands.
    Another couple I know the wife freaked out and made her husband get one as well. He went to a pharmacy to get his, she got hers at her job where they had someone come in to jab everyone. He got sick as hell and said he wasn’t taking another one. It scared her and she didn’t take a second one either. She’s never had any issues, he’s been constantly sick since.

    However, I do know another woman who got the first two, no boosters and I thought she had gotten a placebo, then I learned two days ago that she had a mild stroke with supposedly no explanation from the doctors what caused the stroke.

  12. My understanding is that….
    the Zelenko Protocols protect you by….
    strengthening your immune system with….
    common vitamins and may assist you by….
    flushing the vaxxx spike proteins out of your body….
    kind of like resetting your immune system.

    Good luck.

  13. I’ve archived hundreds of articles and videos on what the future holds for jabbed humans. This doctor sounded the alarm back in 3/2022 about AIDS being contracted via the jab. Take note about timeline of the jabbed and developing AIDS and other autoimmune diseases. I think Megyn Kelly was the latest celebrity complaining how its ruined her life. My friend died recently with the remote still in his hand. We warned him.

    Dr. Elizabeth Eads is on the frontline of medicine, treating patients who have been injected with the experimental CV19 so-called “vaccines.” Dr. Eads is now seeing first-hand Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, commonly referred to as AIDS.

  14. My wife is a nurse and got the first 2 shot sequence that first January it came out (not sure which one). She had a fairly bad case of covid the previous September. She has never had side effects, except a potential heart issue was identified that we are watching. She has gotten covid 3 more times since that. I refused to let her get any boosters. My son and I never got vaccinated. My son and I have never gotten covid that I’m aware of, or even sick this whole time. I never did anything different when my wife had it. Slept with her at night like normal. I did become a KETOVORE/CARNIVORE with Intermittent Fasting almost 3 years ago. Feel 30 years younger and look great! My son is 21 and a health nut/body builder.

  15. I know of a few people who have been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes.
    They have no family history of diabetes and had no indicators for diabetes in their yearly physicals, prior to the vax.

  16. Old Racist White Woman

    That placebo info surfaced from a leaked Pfyser internal document along with all kinds of stats. They were field testing. They screwed up and didn’t make it lethal enough. Hence the boosters. AKA The Kill Shot.


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