Democrats Demand Fani Willis Charge Jim Jordan for Investigating Corruption – IOTW Report

Democrats Demand Fani Willis Charge Jim Jordan for Investigating Corruption


Democrats are outraged that House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) is investigating suspected corruption in the Georgia case against President Donald Trump, and are demanding retaliation.

In response to Jordan’s request for information in the get-Trump case, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis accused the congressman of “obstruction.”

Willis blasted Jordan in a letter, claiming that his investigations are “flagrantly at odds with the Constitution.” more

14 Comments on Democrats Demand Fani Willis Charge Jim Jordan for Investigating Corruption

  1. Willis blasted Jordan in a letter…

    And Jordan ought to blast Willis…with a letter if he’s feeling kind.

    Seriously, Jordan is completely within his authority to investigate possible misuse of fed funds, and that’s just what he’s doing with Willis and her office.

  2. ^^^^ remember … drinking robs you of your ‘precious bodily fluids’

    gonna be a bitch if I can’t pro-create after She Who Must Be Obeyed dies & I croak after bedding my 18-year-old, stacked like a brick shithouse, future bride …. oh well … pray for God to forgive me

    & when my new widow is schtupping the pool boy she’ll be wishing it was me …. 😜😉

    … ok, I’ve embarrassed myself enough tonigh …. g’night

  3. Fact is that the DEMOCRAT PARTY should be investigated for their (active) roles in the evil KU KLUX KLAN group, and dems’ slyly altering viciously malevolent Klan tactics against blacks/minorities in such ways that it would seem as though DEMOCRATS are being benevolent. THE DEMOCRAT PARTY are those who have created, developed, advocated, and recruited Ku Klux Klan members since it’s formation c.1800s, and they continue on in their evil purposes. Keep in mind also that NAZI groups AND the KU KLUX KLAN have recently ENDORSED JOE BIDEN who is a longtime ‘honorary’ KKK asociate member, white privilege espouser, known segregationist, and (covert) anti-civil rights apologist for re-election. Now, I wonder why they did that…..?

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