Biden ‘pulled from 9/11 memorial’ over fears another gaffe could decimate re-election chances – IOTW Report

Biden ‘pulled from 9/11 memorial’ over fears another gaffe could decimate re-election chances

GB News: Joe Biden is set to miss the 9/11 memorial service in New York this weekend, as the White House is said to be “limiting his public appearances” in order to avoid gaffes.

Peggy Grande, former long term adviser to Ronald Reagan, told GB News that the White House is taking a “basement strategy” approach – keeping him out of the public eye.

She noted that “the more he’s been in the public eye the lower he drops in the polls”.

Grande said that an appearance from Biden would also remind the public that “9/11 families have certainly been ignored”. more here

23 Comments on Biden ‘pulled from 9/11 memorial’ over fears another gaffe could decimate re-election chances

  1. To be fair, it’s not like anyone really wants to hear that asshole speak, anyways.

    “I remember when my son, Beau, died on 9/11… I saw the plane hit the tower and I was like, c’mon, man…”

  2. The Biden* team has to be careful of public appearances where they don’t have tight control. Having a spontaneous chant of “Fuck Joe Biden” spring up would be embarrassing to say the least. Then if Joe goes Full Biden and blows his cork, the results could be disastrous. His handlers would love to lock Joe up in his basement again.

  3. I remember landing at the base of those valleys, hills, mountains, ditches, whatever you call them with Vietnam, Vladimir Zelensky Xi was there to greet my kid who died in Iraq. When all of the sudden the bastard that wanted three million two hundred five thousand, the snow was flying. We went back where a fire broke out with my second, fourth grandchild. I always wanted to know why the corvette was alive and the cat died, son of a bitch I love Jill, it’s not like there was a Christmas tree on her, the car. I’ve never had a thing to do with Hunter but by god he’s the smartest bastards why aren’t you clapping? I tell you the truth I’m homeless with a dead cat, kidding not a joke I have love kids, grand. Things were wet, all I wanted to do was pull his tail, that damn Afghanistan thing was 2, 4, 3 days ago, are you on drugs? C’mon man, you need to be black history to crash into those towers with inflation coming down and the most jobs created. The last guy didn’t build anything bad, I’m here to fix that.

  4. Pedo surrendered to our 9/11/01 enemies and helped sacrifice to our 9/11/12 enemies.

    Biden IS our enemy.

    The only way Pedo belongs at a 9/11 memorial is if he appears the way Mussolini did at a gas station.

    With the entire nation lined up to spit.

  5. Adderall must not be so effective any more. Plus the memorial ceremonies take more than 10 min.
    Anonymous, funny that video looks to be in Africa.
    Guess what the illegals from Africa are stealing a lot of here in Maine?

  6. The No-Show president, more vacation days than work days.
    It shouldn’t be a problem his handlers run the show anyway.

    The puppeteers are limiting the puppet’s appearances.

  7. …and who can “pull” a president? What sort of a “president” would ALLOW it?

    President Trump would NEVER have allowed someone to “pull” him from memorializing fallen heroes.

    President Trump would have INSISTED on it, as he has ALWAYS shown deep respect for these heroes.

    Further proof that Pedo Joe has nothing but contempt for those who faithfully fulfill their Oaths even unto death,

    And further proof that Pedo Joe is no sort of a president at ALL.

  8. KKK member Joe Biden who also received endorsements from Nazi groups and KKK rented himself out to his vile party as a doddering aged-out fool to trick the masses and manipulate illegals into believing some “job” and “money” will fall into their disgustingly gullible laps. KKKJoe has been using those people—and blacks/minorities as human shields against his enemies and the American people.


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