9/11 Ground Zero Memorial Service – IOTW Report

9/11 Ground Zero Memorial Service

Link: A memorial service was held in New York City to mark the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center.

3 Comments on 9/11 Ground Zero Memorial Service

  1. The 9/11 memorials are very painful to watch. Just thinking about the terror and tragedy suffered by thousands of victims of terrorist attacks is so depressing. Attacks orchestrated by globalists and perpetrated by murderous jihadi.

    Very angry this was allowed to happen. No justice has been served and things have gotten worse. The American people are in general ignorant about who they are as Americans, divided by a Marxist doctrine, govern by a corrupt compromised Congress, overun by illegals invading through the Southern border and distracted by sexual perversions dominating the culture.

    Our enemies are emboldened. Encouraged by a feckless, fake US pResident and communist run US government. We can rise from chaos, but at this time there may not be enough will to do so. We may deservingly experience more 9/11 massive attacks in the near future. Know God and pray. Only God will get us out of this mess.

  2. We lowered the flag at work to half staff this morning. I stood behind a veteran from Afghanistan who went in with the invasion to build Bagram Air Base and saluted until it was at rest.

    I find it hard to salute the flag these days given how the people who stole the elections have literally perverted its meaning, but on this day in that company I found it impossible NOT to.

    They’ve stolen so much from us, from God’s rainbow to the highest offices in this land.

    Perhaps Old Glory should be a bridge too far.

    May the Lord see us through this darkness with His eternal light, may His grace return to this land and His vengeance be upon those who serve the Enemy even unto all eternity. May He lend His strength to those who oppose evil still, and may His meecy be upon His children.

    God Bless,


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