‘I left my wife behind at the airport and I’m not sorry.’ – IOTW Report

‘I left my wife behind at the airport and I’m not sorry.’

NYP: Starbucks is awfully expensive these days — but it may have cost one man his marriage.

An anonymous traveler revealed on Reddit that he recently left his wife holding the bag — and her skinny no-foam latte — in an airport departures lounge after she snuck away from the boarding gate for a quick coffee, shortly before their transcontinental flight was due to take off.

The shock confession, posted only days ago to the Two Hot Takes subreddit, has already reeled in nearly 8,000 comments. Many users were unequivically supportive of the deserting dad, who was determined to get to the East Coast to see his daughter at college — even if it meant the fight of the century with his left-behind spouse.

The 47-year-old man, from the Pacific Northwest, began by explaining that traveling with his 43-year-old wife “is not a great experience.”

He describes himself as a Type A person while his wife is “the opposite.” MORE

25 Comments on ‘I left my wife behind at the airport and I’m not sorry.’

  1. She was pissed off at him for some reason well before the trip, so pissing her off again didn’t set him back much. For sure, that’s a marriage that isn’t going to last much longer anyway.

  2. All the above comments are correct but I can never get past why anyone would go on the internet to seek validation on anything. Adults don’t need approval from strangers, especially those who visit sites like Reddit.

    And yes, he needs to eighty-six this bitch immediately, she has issues.

  3. Yeah, it’s clearly unadult to go to social media for a weigh-in. That’s what teenaged girls do.

    I have no advice to offer. I try to live by the motto, “It’s not about what is fair, it’s about what the parties agree to.” The fella agreed to “for better or for worse”, and his luck didn’t hold on this aspect with his wife. Knowing her proclivity for tardiness, maybe he should have arranged to get there a day early. Let her make all the stops she wants — or miss a flight that doesn’t matter. I don’t know.

  4. Woman has passive-aggressive issues, and man is no “Type A” personality but has pathological inferiority need to pretend he’s in charge, uber-responsible, caretaker of everyone, including, note, his daughter: School’s been in session for… what… all of two weeks? And daddy already has to visit? She probably went to school clear across the country to get away.

  5. He’s type A alright. Asshole. Most peeps I know, and that know me, would agree I’m pretty type A. Women usually run late. It’s a fact. Deal with it. They’ve written country songs about it. I’m constantly waiting on my wife. But I love the heck out of her so I’ll deal with it. This guys should remain single.

  6. The fact that he’s on at least his second wife, and he’s posting his problems online says a lot about him. His wife is still selfish and controlling. It’s no wonder his daughter is going to school across the country.

  7. Wife’s a self-centered, envious beotch. Hubby’s got henpecked tendencies.
    He better watch his back and keep one eye open when trying to sleep. BTW, she’s probably talking to him, “for now” because she talked to her lawyer about the “incident”.
    Hubby’s got a “everything will be fine as long as he does what he’s told” marriage. Scary.

  8. You all have failed to realize the importance of bodacious TATA’s and how long it might take a man to linger in a caustic relationship….It’ll all be in my new book called “Women don’t understand men or do they”….

  9. Getting rid of such a Stupid Narcissist is well worth whatever the price.
    She’ll do it again.

    My family Knows (Boy & Both women) Wasting my time is the biggest form of disrespect and i go APE SHIT!

  10. Unless you’re married to an angel (and there aren’t many), the key to a happy and successful marriage as a man, is to always be willing to walk away, but not give ultimatums. Needy, apologetic men will become cucks, every single time.

  11. Uncle Al MONDAY, 11 SEPTEMBER 2023, 18:50 AT 6:50 PM
    I beg to differ. He’s learned to eat shit for all these previous years and if you do it long enough it becomes palatable.

    Ding! Ding! Ding! The thread winner…

  12. Some women are incredibly selfish. I was dating a woman who had a young son and we had planned a beach trip. My money, my transportation, my beach residence and all she had to do was be on time so we could leave. She didn’t show at a mutually agreed time, I waited an hour and then left without her. She had displayed extremely selfish behavior throughout the relationship and I had grown tired of it. It is disrespectful, shows little regard for others and unnecessary to waste others time; not just in relationships but in general.


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