Man Sent to Prison for Raping the Robber Who Broke into His House – IOTW Report

Man Sent to Prison for Raping the Robber Who Broke into His House

You know the old saying, “Two wrongs don’t make a right”? Well, this twisted story serves as a perfect example of that.

24 Comments on Man Sent to Prison for Raping the Robber Who Broke into His House

  1. Since he was found not guilty of manslaughter, I’m assuming the robber died? Then they found the man later hog tied and his pants pulled down. So did he rape him with the ball bat or ?
    The robber was linked to others who had stood over the resident. WTH?
    The guy with the bat was a guest, where was the person who lived there?

    Another article I found said his mental impairment, time in prison during the pandemic and separation from his three young children were all taken into consideration for sentencing.

    This world is so darn crazy anymore.

  2. Hollywood will buy the rights to this story and flip the script…they will become pen pals, then visitations occur, after being released they will move in together. One will turn trans and have body altering surgery and they live happily ever after.


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