Nearly 3/4 Republicans want McConnell out of Senate leadership: poll – IOTW Report

Nearly 3/4 Republicans want McConnell out of Senate leadership: poll


Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell appears to be nearly devoid of support for his continued stewardship of the GOP in the upper chamber among the party’s rank and file.

The Kentucky Republican has vowed to remain Senate minority leader and to complete his current Senate term amid mounting pressure for his resignation due to concerns he is not well enough to serve in office.

73% of respondents in a recent Rasmussen Reports poll opined that he ought to leader Senate leadership. That figure included 74% of Republicans and 73% of Democrats.

“I’m going to finish my term as leader and I’m going to finish my Senate term,” he said earlier this month.

The calls for McConnell’s resignation follow a pair of on-camera freezes that some have speculated may be minor strokes or seizures. Dr. Brian Monahan, the Capitol physician, has ruled out such possibilities and contended that his freeze-ups may the result of a concussion he sustained from a prior fall or merely the product of dehydration. more

16 Comments on Nearly 3/4 Republicans want McConnell out of Senate leadership: poll

  1. I’d like to see him in GITMO for his TREASONOUS behavior. Did the poll include that option? Same for Graham, Cornyn, Romney, and countless others. Thank goodness KY still has a great senator in Rand Paul.

  2. Nearly 3/4 Republicans want McConnell out of Senate leadership

    So, 3/4 of Republicans in the Senate lack the integrity to get rid of him. That’s why we’re in the state of defeat. This crap went on when Boner was doing a poor job. Our Rep here wouldn’t vote to get rid of Boner, so I told the Rep, he no longer has my vote. He told me “it wasn’t that easy to do it.” I said easy for me not to vote for you.

  3. ANON

    We were taught in civics 65 years ago that polls are designed to influence; not inform! Brit Social psychologists called “The Bandwagon effect”>. Perfect example is the Sorops news outlets(Fox, NYPost, WSJ…) 16 years ago when GWB was pushing RomneyCare. Karl “Whiteboard” Marx said Regan folk were wasting time and $ putting RopmneyCare on ballot; 90% want RomneyCare I said then – rightly – that the only way Soros folk could get 90% would be if they only polled Bush Clan. 1.5 years later when real Americans voted 75% said NO ROMNEYCARE!
    Soros generated a FAKE pole to sway voters. It seemed to work for 25%.

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