Senate Democrats Holding Disaster Relief Hostage for Ukraine Aid – IOTW Report

Senate Democrats Holding Disaster Relief Hostage for Ukraine Aid


Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) wrote Monday that it is “unbelievable” that Senate Democrats continue to block disaster relief for Americans unless it is paired with Ukraine aid.

“It’s unbelievable that the @SenateDems continue to block disaster relief for American families unless it’s paired with Ukraine aid,” Scott wrote. “@POTUS — put American families first & urge @SenSchumer to immediately schedule a vote for the Federal Disaster Responsibility Act.” more

8 Comments on Senate Democrats Holding Disaster Relief Hostage for Ukraine Aid

  1. Rick Scott should get on a plane and fly to Maui and explain this, in great detail to the residents there. In fact it this story needs to be told on every island.
    I turned on OAN early this morning. They had a pastor from one of the 4 churchs in Lahaina. I’m sure we’ve all read how the large Catholic Church was spared. Well that’s far from the full story. A total of four churches were spared. One little churches plastic play ground equipment is still intact. Like the fire never took place. Well the boy at FEMA can’t except Divine Intervention. So they are now examining the construction of those churches to try and determine why they survived and the rest of the town burned.
    The Pastor went on to say that aide from the Feds or the State is non existent. That those four churches are collecting money from private donations and distributing it to the community. And mean while our brain dead Libtards are more concerned about the Uke.
    OAN is awesome by the way. Best news channel for conservatives that there is.

  2. The State Department, IC, and Deep State have been laundering American taxpayer money through Ukraine and back to themselves for years. They are scared shirtless that if Russia conquers Ukraine the Ruskies will expose them, (and they will), so the left will bankrupt America before they give up on their piggy-bank.

  3. Name them.
    Publicize them.
    Scandalize them.
    Show their corruption from Ukraine aid (where dafuq is the IRS?).

    In every forum and venue in America.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. These people are despicable. One can only hope their corruption is exposed and addressed accordingly. I won’t hold my breath. They’re all complicit and have no accountability for their behavior. The corruption is pretty much universal in DC so who will challenge them? Americans should be royally pissed by now.


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