Anti-White Academic Whose Research ‘Proved’ Systemic Racism is Fired from University for Faking Data – IOTW Report

Anti-White Academic Whose Research ‘Proved’ Systemic Racism is Fired from University for Faking Data

BLP: An affirmative action academic whose research on systemic racism was widely used to fuel animus against white people has been fired from Florida State University for falsifying data.

Eric Stewart was fired as a criminology professor at Florida State University last month because of the “extreme negligence” found in his studies. His work had been cited by other research in an astounding 8,500 occasions, according to Google Scholar. Stewart also served as a WEB DuBois fellow at the National Institute of Justice before being disgraced.

Stewart was excoriated by FSU Provost James J. Clark in a termination letter dated July 13 for the damage his shoddy and irresponsible work has caused to the university and the field in general.

“The details of problematic data management, false results, and the numerous publication retractions have negatively affected the discipline on a national level,” Clark stated. more

18 Comments on Anti-White Academic Whose Research ‘Proved’ Systemic Racism is Fired from University for Faking Data

  1. Wild Bill is right. Stewart invented a “truth beyond facts” which has embedded itself in our national mindset, along with others like transgenderism and global warming (which happen to be products of white savagery, too!)

    Stewart will be regarded as a Black Hero and land a cushy spot at another University or institute. He’ll wear his ouster as proof that the White Man cannot tolerate hearing Truth from a Black Man’s lips.

  2. Diversity is Systemic Racism, the largest and most damaging practitioner is Government. No matter how outrageous, no one is ever fired.

    The Murder of Ashley Babbitt, by a diversity Hire and later promoted beyond his ability, was the result of systematic Racism.

  3. It seems the college is more concerned about the damage this professor did to its reputation and faculty rather the the poison he injected into the body politic. The Age of Narcissism is real

  4. I worked with a nig…, uh, a black gentleman, who showed up at work after being off for two weeks, wearing a Certified EMT patch on his company uniform. We all asked where he got it and he said he had been going to school on his days off to earn it. We all knew he was lying his ass off as he was barely smart enough to breath and walk at the same time. The black, company safety director approved extra pay for him and allowed him to train employees in first aid and CPR. We told the director he was lying and that he couldn’t produce the license he would have been issued, but we were told to basically shut up. The black, affirmative action, HR bitch knew about it, too. One day, a highly certified Red Cross trainer watched him teach a class on CPR and couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Thankfully, he intervened. Eventually, one of the straight-shooter supervisors called out the lying bastard and told him to produce his license. After three days of lying and putting him off, the lying bastard had to admit he didn’t have one. He was forced to remove the patches and give up his medical bag that the company had bought for him. No other discipline was issued. (BECAUSE HE WAS BLACK)

  5. Dr. Hambone THURSDAY, 14 SEPTEMBER 2023, 18:29 AT 6:29 PM

    “Eventually, one of the straight-shooter supervisors called out the lying bastard and told him to produce his license. After three days of lying and putting him off, the lying bastard had to admit he didn’t have one. He was forced to remove the patches and give up his medical bag that the company had bought for him. No other discipline was issued.”

    …should be more than that. In some places, that’s a felony.

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