Prosecutors Accidentally Rest Own Case In Impeachment Trial Against Texas AG Ken Paxton – IOTW Report

Prosecutors Accidentally Rest Own Case In Impeachment Trial Against Texas AG Ken Paxton

Daily Caller-

Russell “Rusty” Hardin, the lead prosecutor in the impeachment trial of Republican Texas Attorney General (AG) Ken Paxton, admitted Tuesday he messed up when he accidentally declared his team’s case rested.

Mr. Hardin announced before the Texas Senate’s impeachment tribunal that the House Manager — the prosecution — decided to rest their case after examining a witness. However, Hardin rested without a cross examination.

“He just rested without a cross exam. I can recall the witness so I am fine with that. We’ll recall this man. We’ll accept the rest,” Tony Buzbee, the AG’s lead defense lawyer, pointed out. more

13 Comments on Prosecutors Accidentally Rest Own Case In Impeachment Trial Against Texas AG Ken Paxton

  1. Maybe Hardin knows the case is bogus but can’t really say that so he accidentally on purpose did this little “oopsie” to dynamite the case.

    We can hope it is something like that. But watch them try it again if this effort fails. That being said, hopefully enough of the Republicans are shy about having their phone lines and email in boxes scorched by pissed off Texans.

    The way this happened will allow the defense to ask about more things when they recall the witness. They would then be questioning him as a direct examination. If they questioned him under cross examination they would have only been able to ask him about things brought up in the direct examination.

  2. Ol ex grunt: True, but they are also wimps. They know their gravy train is based on being re-elected. Those that have delusions of higher office also know that if they fail to be re-elected their careers are over.

    It may take them to be dragged kicking and screaming, but they can be made to listen to what the people want. It is not as if they don’t already know what that is; they promise it every election cycle even though they have no intention of delivering on their promises.

  3. Nobody’s vote will be determined by the evidence presented. The only question is whether enough people support Paxton, or feel their future in the Senate is at risk if they vote to convict. Just like with Trump.


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