Climate Scare Blown Up By Geology – IOTW Report

Climate Scare Blown Up By Geology


We rarely see geologists interviewed in the press about climate change. Sure, we often hear from excited meteorologists, biologists, chemists, sometimes physicists and of course the ubiquitous climate modelers (who pretend to know what the climate will be in 100 years) on TV and in newspapers, when the media bothers to interview scientists at all. But almost never do we see interviews with scientists who study what actually happened in the real world when carbon dioxide (CO2) was many times higher than today.

The reason is simple: many geologists simply do not buy into the climate scare at all. They understand that, even with a 50% rise in CO2 since 1880, today’s level of the gas is very low in comparison with most of the geologic record. They also know that, despite a 1.2-degree Celsius rise in the so-called global average temperature since 1880, we actually live in unusually cold times. Indeed, we are still in the Quaternary glaciation, or ice age, that started about 2.58 million years ago. more

16 Comments on Climate Scare Blown Up By Geology

  1. We need higher CO2 levels to adequately and efficiently feed global population. Calling for lower CO2 is eugenics, genocide, murder, depopulation, pick your phrase, probably racist. In fact, with higher CO2 levels we reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers, something the envirowhacko’s are against already. Common ground, imagine now if the people alive today weren’t constantly poisoned. But nooooooooooo, it’s not about that, envirowhackos are against fertilizers to prevent you from eating, for the same reason they are against CO2. You are the CO2.

  2. The arrogance of humans expressed so well by:
    “ Comedian George Carlin must have taken a course in geology. For in his monologue about the insanities of modern environmentalism, Carlin said:

    “Compared to the people, the planet is doing great: been here four and a half billion years! … We’ve been here what? 100,000? Maybe 200,000? And we’ve only been engaged in heavy industry for a little over 200 years. 200 years versus four and a half billion. And we have the conceit to think that somehow, we’re a threat? That somehow, we’re going to put in jeopardy this beautiful little blue-green ball that’s just a-floatin’ around the Sun?
    “The planet has been through a lot worse than us. Been through all kinds of things worse than us: been through earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, continental drifts, solar flares, sunspots, magnetic storms, the magnetic reversal of the poles, hundreds of thousands of years of bombardment by comets and asteroids and meteors, worldwide floods, tidal waves, worldwide fires, erosion, cosmic rays, recurring ice ages… and we think some plastic bags and some aluminum cans are going to make a difference?”

  3. when this rock first formed the ENTIRE atmosphere was CO2. By rights according to the loons or grifters in the climate scam, the planet should have gone the way of venus and fried right up. Grifters.

  4. Geologists, get a lot of their “science” wrong too.

    IMO, not really much more to their “science” than identifying whether a rock is igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic. If they stopped at that, they would score 100%.

    The rest is guess-work influenced by their beliefs, or non beliefs, as it were.

  5. Hats off to Carlin for even knowing about the magnetic reversal of the poles, also polar shift, a less drastic drifting of true N/S, and potentially a very large influence on shifting weather patterns as well.
    Ever hear of them talking about that on CNN?

  6. China pays a few useful idiots to push global warming. America’s self destruction kicked into high gear. Trillions of dollars wasted. Millions of American jobs lost. China’s Return on Investment soars. Tens of trillions of dollars in profits. Millions of Chinese jobs created. The most educated are the least able to see.

  7. Geologists have long known water is the primary greenhouse gas. CO2 is a bit player in comparison. Clouds and ice can alter the ability of Earth’s surface to absorb sunlight by 70 – 90%. Water vapor in the air is like a blanket with one of the larger latent heat a vaporization potentials in the natural environment. Condense a gallon of water to liquid, you gain something like 7200 Joules of heat that gets returned to the air. Condensing one gallon of water from vapor in one second (Joules/second = Watts) will liberate the equivalent of 10 horsepower per second of energy. Then consider how many gallons of rain falls from a major thunderstorm.

    The other things Geologists do is look at the history record, what we can derive from Earth’s history as recorded in the rocks that remain. They find no evidence of any kind of life threatening heat crisis in the last 2 byr, none. And that’s with CO2 at levels as high a 2400 ppm. There are extinction events, but none attributed to heat. Most of them are from cold, followed by impacts, and massive volcanic activity.


  8. From a chart I saw a few months ago, and discussed on this site, we have been slowly coming out of a cold period that has lasted for thousands of years. IOW, the earth has been warming up slowly for a long time, naturally. The warming has not the result of our activities. It seems that we don’t know of any sudden quick warming events that have happened in the past, like the warming that is now claimed according to the GW freaks. This lacks evidence, as far as I can tell. It may well have happened historically. And, it certainly looks from the graph I mentioned, there probably was sudden warming, way before humans were not around to affect climate.

    We have had extreme hot times in the past, and I’m not referring to the Sexual Revolution.

  9. Quick changes happen in nature all the time. A volcanic mountain that has been dormant for centuries may quickly build up hot lava inside and then one day, it busts open. SURPRISE…get away as fast as you can. Or, a caterpillar moth, growing peacefully inside, then one day it just pops out.

    German Philospher Hegel talked as lot about this sort of thing, and he gave it a name: Thesis, antithesis, new thesis. Old conditions can get swept away in the blink of an eye, to replaced by brand new conditions. Mark took this idea and applied it to societal changes, such as the proletariat quickly destroying the bourgeoise class and replacing it with a dictatorship of the workers. At the cost of millions of lives, of course.

    Marx’s take is still revered by leftist failures all over the planet.

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