Whom should I make it out to? – IOTW Report

Whom should I make it out to?

h/t InTheLitterBox

10 Comments on Whom should I make it out to?

  1. Captain Brain Dead is obviously getting blackmailed by the dick playing piano midget. Doesn’t Congress hold the purse strings? Are they being blackmailed too? WTF is going on here?

  2. Corruption oozes from DC into every statehouse and city in America.
    Corruption is contagious.
    Corruption spreads in order to continue the corruption.

    The corrupt have to corrupt the non-corrupt to prevent the non-corrupt from exposing the corrupt – thus, like a cancer, corruption consumes the entire body politic.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Want to know who Zelensky is blackmailing?
    Look at who goes over for photo ops.
    I think when he got into office he found out about the corruption and is blackmailing anyone involved.
    Unfortunately it’s our money they’re using to pay him off.

  4. yes, they’re all dirty
    there’s been 25+ US biolabs reported to be in ukraine & it’s one of the largest money laundering, human/sex/organ trafficking location on the planet
    biteme owns a house there, huntard’s involvement with biolabs has been flagged as disinfo (like his laptop) on top of his gig at burmisma
    & don’t forget crazy nancy, lurch, & mittens kids were also working in ukraine


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