Media Flattens Fani – IOTW Report

Media Flattens Fani

Something’s happening: ABC News just flattened Fani Willis and her desperate”Trump vendetta”…

Revolver: We’re seeing signs of a notable shift in how some U.S. mainstream media outlets operate. Surprisingly, some have started reporting certain news stories fairly and accurately. Recently, the Washington Post published an article urging Joe Biden not to run in 2024 and CNN spent an entire segment blathering on about what a liar Joe Biden is.

Now, most likely, CNN and the Washington Post have gotten their marching orders from higher-ups who’ve decided Joe needs to go. But there’s a lot more to this story.

What’s even more notable and can’t be so easily explained away is a recent ABC News story on Georgia prosecutor Fani Willis and President Trump. It’s quite something that ABC News didn’t mince words, describing Fani’s actions against Trump as a desperate move, like “throwing stuff against the wall.” This level of honesty is quite a departure from what we would have seen just a few months ago. more

11 Comments on Media Flattens Fani

  1. The MSM has to improve viewer ratings, or they won’t be able to influence the election. The PAC’s are ramping is support for DeSantis and Nikki Haley.
    Which tells me they have both been bought and we will be back to SSND (that would be “same shit new day”).

  2. Don’t be fooled by ‘accurate’stories by the ‘media’. The swamp knows Biden has become too toxic and Harris too unelectable, so they’re forcing him aside. I think they’re re-thinking the Georgia trial, because it will help Trump, not hurt him, so they’re throwing useful idiot Willis under the bus.

    Never, ever, ever trust the ‘media’ again because we don’t have one. The ‘media’ has degenerated into a propaganda arms of the democrat party and it’ll be generations (if ever) for that to change.

  3. “…Perhaps they’re finally sensing the growing anger from the American people, who are turning away from state-run media propaganda. Maybe they’ve realized that their biased “news” approach isn’t working – it’s actually backfiring and making Trump more popular. Or, it could be that they’re worried about the possibility of President Trump’s re-election in 2024 and the potential for a four-year “revenge tour.” It might even be a combination of these and other elements….”

    I hope this writer is correct. I hope that alternative media outlets are finally reaching a broader market and that the masses are waking up. Sadly, I am skeptical. Democrats are too blind, deaf and dumb to the truth.

  4. Read an article yesterday where a journalist covering an event in Japan casually asked others in attendance what they thought about the situation with Trump. All polled said they could not believe that this was happening in America. Compared us to communist countries. Couldn’t believe the citizens were allowing it to happen. I would assume that’s pretty much the view of most countries around the world. We have been destroyed from within by liberal policies, the deep state and Democrats. Trump just delayed their progress for a short time. My how we’ve fallen.

  5. I don’t know when these show trials are supposed to begin, but we live in Fulton County, and Two weeks ago my wife got a jury summons for mid October. Then last week, my youngest son got a jury summons for late October. Probably just coincidence or cyclical, but you have to wonder if they’re getting ready for a busy courthouse.

    I seem to recall that Fani was trying to fob her legal mess off on federal courts and was told, “Whatchu talkin ‘bout, Willis?”. Now that she’s been refused her big “Gang of 19”trial, she’s in a real pickle. No competent judge or prosecutor wants to be anywhere near this train wreck, and the only people pumping their fists are the downtown dullard ideologues.

    I’ve served on several Fulton County juries, all of them civil cases. The criminal cases almost all end up in plea deals. Maybe a many of these Trump-related cases will end up like that, but I don’t think so. Fani has hooked a whole bunch of sharks, but they smell blood in the water, and nobody’s going to give her a bigger boat.

  6. They “couldn’t believe (American) citizens were allowing it to happen?”

    They didn’t. It was done with the thinly veiled message of “What are you going to do about it?”

    ANTIFA and BLM burned down large areas of cities and murdered people and the most anybody got didn’t amount to much more than a ticket for jaywalking. If you question the 2020 election you go to bed at night wondering if you will get an FBI raid in the morning.

    Anyone who was paying attention could see what is happening but the government secret police have been mobilized to silence dissent.

    We did not “allow” this to happen.

  7. MSM making Trump out to be the biggest baddie of al time just increased Trump’s poll numbers.
    MSM now starting to like Trump is just a trial (no pun intended) balloon.


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