Allegations of rape, sexual assault and emotional abuse by Russell Brand – IOTW Report

Allegations of rape, sexual assault and emotional abuse by Russell Brand

GBN: Russell Brand has been pictured for the first time since allegations from four women of sexual assault.

He also faces allegations of controlling, abusive and predatory behaviour, following a joint investigation by The Sunday Times, The Times and Channel 4 Dispatches.

Brand denies the allegations and in a video posted on Friday, stated all his relationships have been consensual, suggesting he is the subject of a “co-ordinated attack”.

Wearing an open neck black shirt, Brand was spotted in Wembley, London as he arrived to perform his show Bipolarisation. more

11 Comments on Allegations of rape, sexual assault and emotional abuse by Russell Brand

  1. I have my doubts that anyone got the full set of instructions when they arrived on earth. So those people who are throwing the rocks didn’t get everything squeaky right either. They just won’t tell you about their screw ups that they’ve got hidden away.

  2. Look at it this way… they’ve lost Joe Rogan, and Tim Pool. Now they’re losing Russell Brand who is FINALLY realizing that it’s the Left that’s EVIL. They have to derail him somehow. (A la Julian Assange)

  3. I don’t buy any decades old allegations unless it is an ongoing pattern. I’ll withhold judgement on this one. I’m pretty skeptical, the left has but one play book and I’ve seen this too many times before.

  4. As a mother of three sons, why do they always put out the man’s name but never the womans. The men are judged before they get to trial and their lives ruined even if they are innocent.

  5. “… a joint investigation by The Sunday Times, The Times and Channel 4 Dispatches.”
    Propaganda outfits – not investigators.

    Just publish the police reports from 2006-2017 filed by these women and ignored by the cops.

    I smell BULLSHIT!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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