Staten Island resident sets up loudspeaker blaring out messages against arriving migrants – IOTW Report

Staten Island resident sets up loudspeaker blaring out messages against arriving migrants

Blaze: A resident of Staten Island is so fed up with the migrants being sent to a shelter in his neighborhood that he set up a loudspeaker and sign to dissuade them from settling in.

Scott Herkert has been outspoken in his opposition to the migrant shelter that was set up at a former Catholic high school in his neighborhood, and he has now ramped up his efforts against the controversial policy.

The loudspeaker tells migrants they are being lied to and that the shelter has cockroaches and rats. The messages are recorded in six languages.

“This building has mold and is unsafe for you!” the recording says. “You’re being lied to! This building is not safe for humans! The community wants you to go back to New York City! Immigrants are not safe here!” MORE

17 Comments on Staten Island resident sets up loudspeaker blaring out messages against arriving migrants

  1. “We have to close our eyes and close our ears,” said Aminetou El Alewai, a woman from Mauritania. “We are good people. We are not criminals. We came because of problems in our country.”

    So we decided to bring the same problems HERE instead of fixing them THERE

  2. We just got another Batch straight out of Africa…I’ve had about 15 stop

    by where I’m Working..Looking for a Job…Zero English, No skills and one Guy

    popped up while I was moving a Cube of Block with the Machine..I had about

    6″ to spare on either side of the Walls…and this Idiot squeezed between the

    Tractor and the Wall…Damn near Smooshed Him..

    They’ve basically shutdown the Classrooms at the School…and are using up all

    of the Resources…The Baby Boom from the Haitians is about to come to

    Fruition….Key West is F*cked (at least Jimmy Died and doesn’t have to see it)

  3. welcome to sniffer joe’s new haiti, & they want to party like its eighteen-hundred-four – that was when the assholes got rid of anything yt or remotely yt, permanently. but haiti does so well when the clit-ons are helping them out, only a racist would not vacation there.

  4. I am SO fed up with the, “they/we came here for a better life” rubbish. So did my four grandparents who came legally from Sweden and Norway, learned English on their own, had skills, never commited crimes, worked their Scandinavian butts off, contributed to this country, brought their children up to be Americans!!! And, they didn’t import the rest of their families!!!

  5. Bobcat

    It won’t be long before they start showing up armed demanding your wallet. I just watched a video someone took down on the border of 1500 illegal crossers. Every single one a military aged male. WTF are the doing to us.

  6. Y’all up in liberal land enjoy the diversity. Keep voting for liberals and get more of it. Those in border states didn’t hear any complaining or get any support when they were being overrun with illegals. Out of sight out of mind? Seriously, you didn’t think this would affect you at some point? Realize it or not, every American citizen is affected by liberal immigration policies through the strain placed on the job market, the economy and what limited resources we have.

  7. It was just a sh*tload of Haitians(0webama) Now it’s straight from Deepest

    Africa…Border Jumpers I assume. The Spring Break Women aren’t going to be

    able to go anywhere alone…

  8. It won’t be long before they start showing up armed demanding your wallet.

    If that’s the worst it gets we’ll be lucky, but I believe we are witnessing the roots of the Kenyan Kremepuff’s Civilian Millitary.

    “We have got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded”.

    Does anyone think that objective has just vaporized???

  9. Create enough chaos and mayhem by flooding America with foreigners and the American patriots will begin fighting back, big time, thus allowing the commie liberals to declare Martial Law which will include the immediate disregard of the U.S. Constitution and the installation of liberal dictatorship.

  10. They’re not “migrants” but illegal intruders. True migrants follow every letter of the US laws to get here yet these legal migrants have been ignored by govt and so-called immigration attorneys. Govt has bribed-paid these attorneys to pave the way for the illegal invaders, especially in NYC.


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