Brits Warn U.S. Congress of Chinese Spies Infiltrating Capitol Hill – IOTW Report

Brits Warn U.S. Congress of Chinese Spies Infiltrating Capitol Hill

LD: The Chinese Communist Party has worked to infiltrate every level of U.S. government for decades, and they’re not alone. Dirt on Congressmen and Senators has been the top goal of many foreign entities. Unlike domestic corporations and special interest groups, these foreign powers have to jump through too many hoops to simply buy politicians.

It’s easier for them to just infiltrate and compromise them.

A report from The Daily Mail says British Intelligence is warning Congress about a surge in threats from the CCP. They went so far as to single out Congressman Eric Swalwell who is a notoriously easy target for the CCP. more

9 Comments on Brits Warn U.S. Congress of Chinese Spies Infiltrating Capitol Hill

  1. Well, the Brits know all about spies infiltrating, don’t they?

    I don’t remember, was Profumo a spy or just a love-sick puppy?

    And who knows how many unexposed?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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