Claim: Not Enough Votes in House Republican Conference for Ukraine Aid – IOTW Report

Claim: Not Enough Votes in House Republican Conference for Ukraine Aid

Breitbart: A senior House Republican lawmaker told Politico on Monday that there are not enough Republican votes to send Ukraine more aid.

Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky will head to the Capitol building on Thursday, where he will lobby for more aid for Ukraine. President Joe Biden has asked for $24 billion in military and economic aid to Ukraine.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner (R-OH) predicted on Sunday that Zelensky “makes the case better than anyone” and could be “very, very persuasive” in getting reluctant Republicans to back more aid. more here

11 Comments on Claim: Not Enough Votes in House Republican Conference for Ukraine Aid

  1. “very, very persuasive” in getting reluctant Republicans to back more aid

    Yea, sure. This is just preparing the environment for the Republican establishment to do what establishment Republicans do. Talk a good game and dry shave their base EVERY TIME it matters that they hold firm.

  2. Regrettably Mike Turner is my Representative.
    He’s all in for providing self defense arms to Ukraine, while limiting US Citizens the same right.

    Hey Mike, send Zelensky the same bullshit form letter you sent me when I asked you to approve pistols with a stabilizing brace.
    Another RINO.

  3. …and so no approriations will be made for anything, including the military, and the industries that support it will wither as the millions who depend on it for a paycheck are forced out of work because the Communists are going to be stompy-footed over the Ukranian money laundry. This will in turn further degrade the readinesd of the military to fight a war, as all of their resources have been poured into the military resale business that is Ukrane so there is nothing left to defend against enemies foreign OR domestic, should the need arise.

    And not only is a war plant an ensemble cast that will lose its most talented members unrecoverably first, it also lives in the future, with contracts for machines arriving NOW having been let YEARS ago with the bills due on delivery, and materials for production next month can’t be ordered if there’s no contract to even know what may be needed, let alone when.

    And with THIS “administration”, it would be madness to start to build on speculation.

    The longer the globalist drag this out, the more damage they will do to the military, the businesses that support it, and by extension the economy as a whole.

    As is doubtlessly intended.


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