Carl Sagan’s Final Warning on the Importance of Scientific Skepticism – IOTW Report

Carl Sagan’s Final Warning on the Importance of Scientific Skepticism

Discern Report:

Shortly before he died, the astronomer Carl Sagan (1934-1996) offered a two-part warning in an interview with Charlie Rose.

The first part of Sagan’s warning touched on humanity’s growing ignorance of science, which Sagan attributed largely to the failure of modern schools. Sagan saw this as a clear danger to humanity, especially in a society built on science and technology.

The second part of Sagan’s warning was even more profound. The University of Chicago-trained astrophysicist pointed out that science is not simply “a body of knowledge, it’s a way of thinking,” one based on skepticism and questioning. It was imperative, he said, not just that people be educated in the sciences and grounded in healthy skepticism, but that people be allowed to question and challenge those in authority. more here

9 Comments on Carl Sagan’s Final Warning on the Importance of Scientific Skepticism

  1. “Religion is a culture of faith; science is a culture of doubt.”
    “I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.”
    “There is no authority who decides what is a good idea.”
    Richard Feynman

  2. We should not limit Sagan’s advice of applying liberal amounts of skepticism just to the scientific community, but all dogma, especially that which is touted and supported by our own government.

    It’s funny (curious) that many of society’s failings were foretold by the founders who warned about the “moral” requirements for a continuation of this democratic experiment, but an equal requirement which they wrote about regularly was the imperative of healthy skepticism and distrust in evaluating the powers we vest to our own government. Federalist Paper #51 was devoted entirely to limitations of power, of checks and balances, and the separation for the purposes of control and oversight. They understood, based on their religious POV, that man’s failings are great and his pursuit of power to the demise of the voters is even greater.

    A free press and our own investigative bodies within the government used to fill this role, not anymore.

    The people would be better served if a position was taken where everything the government tells us is independently verified. They have abused the power so now, no benefit of the doubt is provided.

  3. The importance of skepticism ?!

    From the inventor of

    The Greenhouse Effect Global Warming ?!

    Who wouldn’t tolerate the least questioning of either ?!

    Although NO PROOF was everproffered for either ?!

  4. Carl Sagan would have been all in with the current position of the scientist as high priest. Sagan was never supportive of anyone questioning his science or that of the Union of Concerned Scientists.

  5. The meer fact that politicians and governments are so invested in Climate change should tell us that it’s all about the money and power, not the science. These charlitans are only too quick to shake the big, bad Voo Doo stick to emphasize a “crisis” to cash in on.


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