“Vivek Ramaswamy is a Fraud” – IOTW Report

“Vivek Ramaswamy is a Fraud”

American Greatness:

Carpe Diem

“Arrogant, pompous, obnoxious, vain, cruel, verbose, a showoff. I have been called all of these. Of course, I am.” Those are the adjectives that the late attorney turned sportscaster Howard Cosell gleefully used to describe himself.

But while Cosell embraced the villain label all those years ago on Monday Night Football, I can’t think of a more appropriate way to describe faux presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy.

Like many people, I first became familiar with Ramaswamy in August 2021 when I read his book Woke, Inc.

My takeaway was that Ramaswamy is a savvy businessman who knows how to make prudent investments, whether in biotech or other industries. I applauded him for exposing the hypocrisy of woke corporations — that have no problem virtue signaling and railing against the supposed racial injustices of our country — as they ship thousands of jobs overseas to countries like China that enslave their own citizens, while ignoring their atrocious human rights records.

I continued to watch Ramaswamy’s media appearances on Fox News over the last couple years and was genuinely interested in what he had to say — but never did I once think, here’s a guy who should be the new GOP standard bearer.

But now that he is running for president and seems to consistently poll around third or fourth in the GOP primary, I am even more convinced that he has no business getting anywhere close to the Oval Office.

Many people will read this and say, why am I attacking someone who is supposedly part of the America First Movement?

The answer is quite simple: he is not part of the America First Movement, he’s part of the Vivek Ramaswamy movement — which is to say, he is attempting to infiltrate a legitimate movement by trying to appeal to those who are in it. more

16 Comments on “Vivek Ramaswamy is a Fraud”

  1. I’m skeptical of Vivek but what he says is right on domestically. That article could’ve been written about Trump in 2016 as well. Trump was democrat whereas Vivek didn’t vote till 2004. Vivek talks a big game, so does Trump.
    Look I’ll vote for Trump again but I’m under no illusion that he will go after the swamp. He talks it but he doesn’t walk it. He had chances and didn’t follow thru.

  2. I’ve been saying “Ramaswampy” is a narcissist since I heard him speak. Just something about his demeanor – too slick. A wolf in sheep’s clothing. He would drop that conservative facade his first day as president.
    He might be a progressive/leftist plant. He definitely would not consider what’s best for The People only what benefits him. He’s not to be trusted.

  3. He is an opportunist. He is a chameleon. He is sucker bait and I wouldn’t ever consider him a leader Constitutional conservatives should get behind. I watched as his type mesmerized the suburban housewife element and was loved by the Republican establishment “me too’s” in the TEA Party movement and took it over and co opted it. He and his type are pure unadulterated poison.

  4. Just more of the shit they’re slinging at the wall to see what sticks.
    Nikki Haley has a commercial that says, “Nikki Haley, the conservative Washington fears most.”
    At best she is the second most feared candidate.

  5. Anyone that willingly runs for president has to have a pretty outsized ego, but I don’t vote because I think he’s a nice guy that I want to have a beer with. I asked a dyed in the wool liberal at work why he had voted for Bill Clinton; he said he made him feel good about himself.

  6. Just the fact that he said he would pardon the Bidens was enough for me to not like him.
    There are too many things he’s changed his mind on in a short period of time with lame explanations.
    Just something about him rubs me the wrong way.


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