Polish President Duda Says Ukraine ‘Should Remember the Help’ – IOTW Report

Polish President Duda Says Ukraine ‘Should Remember the Help’

GP: The end of EU’s Ukraine grain ban has added another layer of conflict in ‘powder-keg’ Europe. Poland, Hungary and Slovakia have enacted their own bans in a bid to protect their farmers from Kiev’s cheap grain.

While other countries, such as Romania and Croatia, may implement bans of their own, in Bulgaria, where the prohibition was rescinded, farmers are painted for war against the Ukrainian produce ‘invasion’.

Ukraine reacted poorly to the unilateral bans, and sought arbitration from the World Trade Organization.

Poland, who is one of Kiev’s main military allies in the war against Russia, was angered by the move, with officials saying that Ukraine ‘must be doing so great in the war against Russia, if they are willing to initiate a trade war against its neighbors’. more here

5 Comments on Polish President Duda Says Ukraine ‘Should Remember the Help’

  1. They are not going to remember the help at all.


    Ask them right now and that’s what they’ll say

    That’s why they never say “please”

    They don’t have to and it’s time you recognize that


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